
I need a healthy way to lose weight!?

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i know i shouldn't do this but i try to make myself throw up using a tooth brush so far it hasn't quit worked it only makes me gag!i don't want to become a bulimic but i feel fat!(by the way i'm 5'5 and 131 at 14 years old someone please tell another way i don't like the tooth brush thing!




  1. 1. Exercise is key.  Walking, jogging, etc.  Low impact cardio is the best.  NO diet works without exercise, so get yourself moving.

    2. Eliminate the following from your diet.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup- you really need to read the ingrediants on your foods for this one.  It's in many prepared foods.  It converts very easily into fat if not burned off immediately.

    Fast food- No McDonalds, Burger King, etc.

    3. Add the following to your diet:

    Fruits and Vegetables- snack on them in between meals.  Very important, that way you dont overeat during regular meals.

    4.  Slow down while eating.  I mean really slow down.  Allow the body to digest, it will reduce the amount you eat because you will feel full sooner.

    I lost over 20 pounds in a month doing this.  Good Luck!

  2. Don't make yourself throwup. That's bad, and could make you more bulimic. Exercise, like running and other aerobics, do sit-ups, and eat less and healthier. easy

  3. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  4. Stop eating junk

    stop drinking soda

    eat whole grains and fruits and veggies

    drink water or unsweetened ice tea

    get your butt off the computer

    go for a walk

  5. dude why are you trying to throwing up?

    thats super messed up...

    just think, why would you do that?!


    just loose weight by eating healthy stuff instead of eating junk food and throwing it up!

  6. I had a really good friend of mine who used to make her self throw up and she ended up passing away. It gave her bleeding on the brain and she died. My self and other people I know have used this site to lose weight and it works well. I use their natural appetite control.  

  7. Weight loss is a tad difficult for some people and easier for others.  It is based on genetics usually, but i believe that the best and only way for you to lose weight is to change your relationship with food.  You need to strive to eat healthy things, allowing yourself to cheat once in a while, but I don't care what some people say, the way to lose the most weight most efficiently  is to stay pretty strictly on a diet of good foods.  Try to eat between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, comprised mostly of lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and a little amount of both carbs and dairy (like low fat yogurt).  And another very important asset is a good exercise program involving something that you enjoy.  If you like a sport, play on a league with that sport, or if the timing is bad for that, join a YMCA or AmFamFit and start swimming or bicycling.  You should also begin weight lifting.  Don't worry, you won't get big and muscular because you are a girl with low testosterone levels.  Weight lifting is extremely important for girls as well as guys because the more muscle you have the faster you burn fat.  Spike the metabolism by eating 5 to 6 small meals a day.  And EAT BREAKFAST!  If you don't know what your metabolism is look it up, but you need to really make it faster in order to burn fat quickly.  You start the metabolism by eating regularly, exercising, drinking plenty of water, and doing easy breathing exercises.  And most of all have confidence in yourself girl.  You can do this! It is so hard to start up, but once you get the hang of it, you are gonna find that it gets sooo easy!  Trust me girl, six hard months of exercising and eating right and you are gonna look hot.  All your friends are going to be jealous, the guys are won't be able to look away, and you are going to feel so good about yourself.  If you need any help at all send me a message and I will help you out whenever you need it.

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