
I need a hobby???

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I need a hobby because i need something that will help me get into college!!




  1. The things you listed as interests sound like hobbies to me.  Particulary 4H, sports, drawing, and reading.

  2. OK, what are your interests?  That should help you find a hobby you can do.  

    Colleges also like volunteering...

  3. maybe something with art if you are interested in an art major.  4-H if you are interested in an agricultural or even biological degree or plan on vet school.  Volunteer work is a good thing too, as someone else mentioned.  Please let me know what you decide.  Do you live in a city with a university?

  4. Find the 4-H leaders involved in the interests you listed and get going you already have your foot in the door.  My daughter is involved with shooting sports and ATV safety she had trained to get her certification in hunter safety and will become a safety trainer for ATVs.  This will look good on her resume when she applies for a law enforcement job.  She also has the key award for her leadership skills.  Jump in there and get going she also is doing promotion for the local fair as Fairest of the Fair.
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