
I need a job, im 16 and pregnant and noone will hire me?

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i went on interview after interview and i always get the old "we'll call you back" and they never do and when i don't hear from them i call them back and they either tell me they are fully staffed or we get "disconnected". i actually have a list of places i applied and its over 15.. i tried basically everywhere. a few minutes away from my house is a motel who is looking for an office assistant to pick up calls and book the rooms. so i applied and they said they can't hire me because im not 18. who cares?! i would be there every single day working my *** off, taking the calls, booking the d**n rooms! what do they mean i need to be 18! im not going into the motel rooms having s*x!! it would be such a perfect job for me.. its air conditioned.. its perfect. is there any possible way i can talk them into hiring me?! they been looking for an office assistant for about a month now.. i mean come on! is there anything i can say. please help me out!!!




  1. sorry ur prego & 16, that more than enough reason NOT to hire you! Try working in a baby store, they usually hire pregnant ppl.

  2. With any job like working in a motel or any sort of office work they are not going to hire anyone under 18. I hate to tell you this but your best job choice right now is probably fast food. They won't care if you're pregnant and the hiring process is short. It definately won't be fun, but you will earn some money. Good luck.

  3. I remember being 14, 15, 16, 17 and looking for jobs, and being frustrated that I would never get hired. But from an employer's perspective, its pretty rough. There are so many child labor laws they have to contend with, they can only have you work so many hours in a week, only certain hours of the day, and it gets even more restrictive once the school year starts again, which can be inconvenient as far as making up the schedule. You'll likely have better luck applying somewhere with many employees, a supermarket or a Wal Mart or something like that. That's where most kids are going to get their start. Also, if they're hiring an office assistant they're looking for someone with a few years of experience. No matter how qualified you think you are, I'm just warning you, don't shoot too high yet, everyone has to start somewhere.

    And also, I understand the drive you have to want to work, but if you're pregnant, and going to be delivering and caring for a newborn child within a few months, now is not a good time to start a job. My first job I started with the full knowledge that I had a full school schedule and a surgery coming up within a few months, and deep down I knew it was a bad time to start but dammit I wanted to work, but it just didn't work out, I lost the job because of my screwy schedule, got depressed, and couldn't use them as a reference. So I was basically back to square one. Luckily I have a job now but as far as practical references and experience goes I may as well not have spent the few months working there that I did. You have to be realistic.

  4. well if ur pregnant, then i am sorry but they will find any other excuse to tell you that u can't have the job!

    unfair i know, but that's the cruelty of life

  5. its acuse ur 16 and pregnant. shows irrisponsibility, and there gna have to pay maternity leave

  6. no sorry u cant make no one give you a job ur 16 thats a big negative to you getting a job like that especially.  its hard in certain places to get a job while pregnant bc the company knows u will be leaving soon and like an assistant if they hire someone they want someone who will last not be leaving.  anyway good luck in finding a job.  i hope u will find one soon

  7. Stacking shelves in a store, until your 18 the amount of jobs you can do are limited, maybe because your pregnant so young they see you as a kind of liability (no offense) and maybe a bad influence, either that or they dont want you to get a job only so you can go for a few weeks, go on maternity leave and get paid for it and never return.

    Get some references from school or something, that say something positive about you.

    Or work with family.

  8. well look at it from their perspective, who wants to invest in training an employee who is pregnant? Have the baby, then worry about your career.

  9. well, first of all, you shouldn't have gotten pregnant. people are less likely to get hired if they are pregnant, and you really shouldnt have had unprotected s*x at a young age.

  10. Actually, they can't not hire you just because you're pregnant, that would be discrimination. That may not be the reason they don't hire you, though, there's a lot of people looking for jobs at this time of year. There's really nothing you can do about jobs who only want people over 18. Just keep applying places and calling them back, you'll eventually get one.

  11. I was 18 when I got pregnant, I needed another job, I was only hostessing and not making much money so I applied everywhere. I was so frustrated I couldn't get a job but what I did was tried a daycare. They hired me right away NO QUESTIONS ASKED! I was so happy to be working full time. I'm  telling you to try this!

    I have to admit, it is HARD work, but you get all of your experience, especially if you are working in the baby room. Once you have the baby, you are just so happy there's only one and not EIGHT! haha

    This job also keeps you in shape, you are constantly running aorund chasing the kids. And for being 16 this should be easy for you. GOOD LUCK! :)

  12. First two answers summed it up perfectly.

    It's much more practical for them to hire someone else.

    Why hire a pregnant 16 year old when they could hire a responsible teen that won't have nearly as many problems?

  13. Baby no body is going to hirer you right now anyway because you are pregnant and for a motel job you must be 18 or older I know for a fact when I was pregnant nobody would hirer me I think you should wait on getting a job I don't know your life problems but I know that god can make a way for you to get things for your unborn child to have he did it for me I didn't have nothing for my first baby I was homeless then god open doors for me  just wait a take care of your self and your baby and good lucky on everything write back if you need anybody or anything else you may need questions on here is my number 252-360-9674 my cell I know you don't know me but I know its hard out here being young having a baby I was there at one point with a baby having a baby on the way so it was hard for me even when I was just having one.

  14. Here's the thing.....your 16 years old....there are child labor laws that only allow you to work 4 hrs at a time and then have to take a break....Also there is a limit to how many hours you can work in a day! Most place only hire at 18+ but places such as grocery stores, restaurants (togo, hostess or bussing only you have to be 18 to serve alcohol) or babysitting jobs are your only real outlet to work. Also it is discrimination to not hire someone because they are pregnant! Don't get discouraged just yet....keep looking but do remember the laws that take place....look up child labor laws on google and see what it says...good luck to you

  15. There are going to be limited jobs for someone who is pregnant looking for a job. If your can not find a job, then look into your community make flyers and post them around or put into mail boxes of things you can do that they might need to be done in there house. If not then wait until the baby is born to look for a job.

    -Good Luck!

  16. 16 and prego... sorry to say not many people will hire you...and most jobs only want 18 year olds cause its expensive and not very cost efficient to hire anyone under the age of 18.. plus a few months after you go on leave for your baby... gone for a few months... sorry but wait till u have the kid....

    -No its not discrimination. And since your not 18 you cant make them do anything, why would you want to work for a company you had to MAKE hire you, everything you do will be anexcuse for you to get let go... move on. and Yes you do  have to be 18 to work for a hotel/motel

  17. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but NOONE is really hiring right now, and if they are they're looking for a "perfect" fit for waht they think they're looking for.  Someone with no experience, or little experience and pregnant is a HUGE risk.  Something that employers aren't looking to do right now in this economy.  We are not doing well financially as a whole, and businesses are really taking a hit right now.  So a risk, is out of the question, they want a sure thing.  I'm sure you will be there everyday, and do the job to the best you know how, and you will be loyal and the list goes on and on about what you can do for them, I'm sure.  But the matter of fact out there (at least right now anyway) is that it's a comptetitive, harsh world out in Job-seeking land.  Just keep with it and keep applying to jobs and going on interviews, let them know what you can and WILL do for them.  Let them know you will be an asset to thier company, one who will stay with them long term, one who WANTS to be there.  Make a can do and will do list and before they get the opportunity to ask you to tell them about yourself, tell them you have a few things that you jotted down a (breakfast, over coffee, early this morning) and tell them the things that you can do and will do for them as a company.  They will be impressed at your maturity, and know then that you really put some effort into this interview.  learn some things about the company thaty ou're interviewing with, bring them up in the interview, and lastly, always, ALWAYS ask questions.  Never come to an interview not prepared to ask questions about the job, company, people you will be working with, etc...there are a list of interview questions that you can find on the internet, if you're having trouble thinking of questions to ask them.  Good luck, it's really tough out there right now.

  18. you have to be 18 to work with money

  19. just try something simple for now......

    hmm like just try a market,or fast food,at least its something explain your situation

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