
I need a job Chicago!!!! but never could see myself working in fastfood..?

by  |  earlier

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i live in chicago im 17 n i need to find a job badly.

i wanna job thats not boring something i could have fun doing

im interested in photography,fashion, and art. Im very energetic,Im very social, I always have a smile, and just a happy person period. Im always up for learning anything new...sooo please any ideas of jobs?....or if you live in the chicago area any help?





    amazing fun... get to meet a huge variety of people... free drinks while you work... and not fast food at all.

    Being a barista's a great skill for down the road when you want to have parties... working an espresso bar helps you train your mind for working a drink bar too.

    now's a good time too cause if you're going to be working into the fall... they almost always have summer employees that leave and go to school... so there will probably be a bunch looking for employees in your area.

    If you're worried about the stores that are closing, there's a full list on and really 600 isn't that many :) when spread out over the US

  2. Well, for someone who could never see themselves working in fast food you sure don't have a clue to what's going on with the economy.  There are people out there right now who are older and have experience who are also looking for jobs, but these people are not above working in fast food.  You have to start some where and fast food is a great way to get some experience under your belt.  Don't be too picky or you may end up having nothing.  Don't ever think your above certain work.  Sorry but...I think that's one of the problems with your generation.  In this economy you TAKE WHAT YOU CAN GET.

  3. Unless you have a college degree, you will more than likely be stuck in fast food or retail.

  4. go to a restaurant  and be a hostess you just seat people..its easy and your not flipping burgers  try some retail stores that carry items and clothing etc that your interested in...gotta start somewhere .

  5. this is a homebased earning opportunity that you can try.  registration is free so you have nothing to lose

    for more details please visit:

  6. hello,

    well i'll tell you a little advice, but i don't know if it'll help!!! do you love kids or something else that you are at best to do something that you see enjoy. but i don't know anything about chicago, but i live in houston and i'm 17 also and i want to work,but don't know what job. but just think what job that you are good at.

  7. check out and check out what they have under the "jobs" section.. sometimes employers use that to recruit

    i don't know if your a baseball fan.. and i have no idea how to go about getting a job there.. but try wrigley field or comisky park

    depending on how much art and photography you do.. you might be able to get into some higher end craft shows in the area and sell your work..  I've brought my woodturnings to craft shows for the past 3 years now.. around christmas time and make upwards of $1000 for my stuff at each craft show.. I'm 18 and have a part-time job at a woodworking store.. and then do the craft fairs near the holidays.. unfortunately I'm going to college this year and can't make any money from the craft fairs.

    there's a craft fair that I always go to in Lockport.  It's the Christmas Crossroads Craft Fair.. it's a bit expensive for a craft fair (last year was $165).. but if you have the money and have quality work... google it and you might still be able to get in.. I won't be there this year though..


    ps. I jus googled their website.. and this year it's $175 for a space..

    oops.. "The Cell" (lame sox fans)

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