
I need a job cancun mexico who do i look to for that?

by Guest59960  |  earlier

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I need a job cancun mexico who do i look to for that?




  1. Rosa, Cecilia, Marta, Cristina,  hay varios

    Too numerous to mention.

    You will need at least an FM3 to work in Mexico.

    Dont get caught working on a tourist visa.


  2. just go stay at a hotel and take up dealing drugs to the tourists

  3. I hope you realize that you cannot work or reside in Mexico without the proper visa...a work visa to work, an FM3 toreside ther ( which requires proof of sufficient income to support yourself.)  Mexico is NOT short of unskilled or skilled workers, and just like other countries, wants to protect its job market for its own citizens.  To get a work permit, you must find an employer willing to hire you and write a letter to immigration stating this and that he caanot finda Mexican for the job.  Then, most jobs pay less than $2.00 an hour...anyway, no way can you get a work permit for a non-profeesional, non-technical job.  Sorry...those are the facts...just like in ANY other counry.

  4. Hotels, bilingual schools ....

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