
I need a job in leicstershire im 16 and pref @ fosse parc 4 example?

by  |  earlier

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i ern 4.35 washing pots and it **** so i wud like a new job workin in a shop and im stil @ school




  1. Then fukc off with your text speak - cos it don't work in the real world.

  2. think yourself lucky the minimum for your age is £3.40

  3. You're going to have to learn to communicate in English before you get a job my friend.

  4. Go into every shop @ Fosse Park & ask for application form, fill them all out & take them back. Wait fo the phone to ring! I bet you get a job. Good Luck

  5. Try New Look or the little kiosk reasaurants in there, I think you'll struggle with Next and M&S due to your hours.

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