
I need a job?

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i am 12 years old and i wanted to know how can i make money other than working around the the house and doing all those chores




  1. At your age that is the only work you can do and it is a lot better than working in the real world.  I bet you get to  go online, eat for free; watch the tube; call your friends, etc.  You pay no rent don't have to buy your clothes, pay for insurance.  Man you got it made, unless you are like a friend of mine when I was a kid.  He got up and had to sweep the floors and do the dishes by hand, and clean out the septic tank once a month.  A septic tank was a concrete tank where all the stuff from the toilet went when it was flushed.

    He had to cut the grass with a push mower and rake the leaves.

    His parents were union laborers and when they came home they wanted to sit around and drink beer, so he and his brother did all the house work.  Did I mention ironing all the clothes?

    They didn't have a vaccuum, or a dishwasher or a color TV or air-conditioning.

    So now how bad do you have it that you gotta have a big job at 12?

  2. my daughter is 11 and she walks peoples dogs for e2 per hour. she has 7 dogs to walk a day  and she has only started 2 weeks ago! people. dont often have time to walk their dogs but would gladly pay a small amount for someone to do this for them

  3. I don't understand your question

  4. well since you can't apply for a food service job yet, you could babysit, work out at a farm with horses, get a paper route (they make a lot of money apparently), or could help out at a old folks home?

  5. -Babysit


    -Car washing

    -Selling lemonade

    -sell your junk
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