
I need a job really bad!?

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Okay, I want a job. I live in Ontario Canada, and I NEED A JOB! Like does anyone know where I can get one? I'm 13 almist 14 BTW.




  1. I think Suz has it right.  Check the local Red Cross, junior college or park district, someone offers a low-cost course in child care.  Even if you are practiced and experienced, being able to say you took the course will reassure the parents.

    Then make sure everybody you know is aware that you are willing to babysit. Conscientious babysitters are hard to find, once you line up a few regular customers you will be in fine shape.


  2. Go to YES employment. Next summer think about one of those student summer internships. It's probably too late for a job now, don't you have school starting soon? Next summer, plan early.

  3. Well I don't know exactly the places around you offering jobs but my sister when she was 14 got a job as a buss boy at a family owned restaurant. But sorry to tell you but not many jobs are availiable 14 yr olds. I suggest going to the redcross babysitting course. Then babysitt for neighbors you get paid around 5 to 10 dollars an hour. Good Luck

  4. wow. 13? you can buy bags of candy, divide the price by piece in the bag, then add 25 cents to each, then sell them in school. believe me you'll make money that way.

  5. You're too young to be on an official payroll.  Maybe you can do odd, babysitting, pet care, etc.

  6. The legal age to work in Canada is 16.  The only jobs you can do at your age is babysitting or corn detassling.  I think you might even be too young for corn detassling plus the corn season has already ended.  

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