
I need a knight poem?

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well guys i have looked everywhere on google,(me not that great on searching for stuff :( ) and i am looking for a poem bout a knight and all this heroism and what not, can someone give me a link if they can find one or just made one up? i would really appreciate it tnx




  1. Once a King

    Always a King

    but one a Knight

    is enough

    hope you laugh

  2. the links are about knights but some are not so heroic..


    A Ballad of the Two Knights

    Two knights rode forth at early dawn

    A-seeking maids to wed,

    Said one, "My lady must be fair,

    With gold hair on her head."

    Then spake the other knight-at-arms:

    "I care not for her face,

    But she I love must be a dove

    For purity and grace."

    And each knight blew upon his horn

    And went his separate way,

    And each knight found a lady-love

    Before the fall of day.

    But she was brown who should have had

    The shining yellow hair --

    I ween the knights forgot their words

    Or else they ceased to care.

    For he who wanted purity

    Brought home a wanton wild,

    And when each saw the other knight

    I ween that each knight smiled.

    Sara Teasdale


    Here Were Dragons

    Ladies and gentlemen, moving along.

    Now here is an interesting site.

    An area where the dragons would throng

    to ululate throughout the night.

    As you will see from our careful recreation

    these creatures will often astound

    but they never deserved their dire reputation

    as the most fearsome creatures around

    With a forty foot wingspan or more

    the dragons were kings of the skies.

    A thunderclap flap that helped them to soar

    (and distribute pollen nearby).

    Yes they were strong and they could easily bear

    a tree trunk around like a twig.

    And they had fiery breath of which to beware

    which could easily barbecue a pig.

    And with all of this how do we portray them now?

    Do we focus upon their great splendour?

    No. We demonise or trivialise and I wonder how

    can we do this on evidence so slender.

    If you find pixies a pest, and they often infest

    your workplace, your garden or home,

    then you'd like me to suggest or even attest

    to a solution for wherever they roam

    In times gone by, as our researchers have found

    the dragons would keep them under control.

    You would have been glad to have dragons around.

    Now 'all too common' is the pixies new role.

    Now look to your left and what you will see

    is a representative sample of tools.

    And it might surprise you, as it surprised me

    that the dragons never were fools.

    They were massive and weighty, though streamlined.

    but as we examine and research remains

    the solitary fact that most surprises we find

    was the incredible size of their brains.

    It was known to be a sociable beastie

    with remarkably strong family ties.

    They long held a grudge against an enemy

    and they never forgot their allies

    Then human beings arrived. Only briefly at first.

    The presence of dragons frightened people away

    The general consensus was that if worst came to worst

    you would rapidly become a flambé.

    But the dragons displayed no worse than an interest

    and when word of this got around

    the previously cowardly now returned in earnest

    and when dragons approached stood their ground.

    The sailors considered them a great source of food.

    and turned their lands into a staging post.

    The choicest discovery was a mewling newborn brood.

    The young meat favoured by sailors the most.

    The freelance knights were the next to arrive

    looking for quests to increase their fame

    "The dragons were too dangerous for us to leave them alive"

    they claimed, "They kill. They mutilate and maim."

    They whipped up a storm with their self serving lies

    without showing a hint of a conscience.

    The resulting outrage was what would finally catalyse

    the mob wanting to sail to vengeance.

    And then the dragons were no more.

    The reason, no great mystery -

    It is down to the humans of yore

    that the dragons are unnaturally history.

    ©Adam Rulli-Gibbs 2001 - 2006


    One Knight's Passion

    by Sea_of_okc

    There is no dragon's fiery breath

    No black knight's sword dealing death

    No creature of the land or sea

    Could keep me from possessing thee

    There is no thing that I could find

    Not strong ale nor sweet wine

    Even Merlin's herbs and such

    Pale beside my lady's touch

    There is no rose could smell so sweet

    No fair maiden I might meet

    No body in the sky above

    That could outshine my lady love

    There is no challenge I won't take

    No quest too bold for me to make

    No ties from which I wouldn't part

    To win my fairest lady's heart

    On my honor this I swear

    All my life with you I'll share

    I pledge my sword, my heart, my name

    Pray tell me lady you'll do the same
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