
I need a legal Italian passport, but how can I get it without living there if not Italian & have no relatives?

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Intl passports, citizenships, & nationalities...




  1. You can't.

    You must be an Italian citizen to apply for an Italian passport. This is the same for every country and is why each country has their own passport for their own citizens.

    It would kind of defeat the point if anyone could apply for any countries passport now wouldn't it?

    Use your common sense next time.

  2. you cannot acquire an Italian passport,unless you have some family roots that are of Italian descent,

    which make sense, otherwise anyone would get a passport from any country?

    therefore? no, you cannot get an Italian passport, you could live in Italy for so many years or marry an Italian citizen and become one with the limited time imposed by the government of Italy.

    here is the law about Italian citizenship:

    Acquisition of citizenship

    Italian citizenship can be automatically acquired

    By filiation (birth to an Italian parent); this is consistent with the principle of jus sanguinis.

    By birth on Italian territory to stateless parents or to unknown parents or to parents who cannot transmit their nationality; this is partially consistent with the principle of jus soli.

    By paternal/maternal acknowledgment or legitimation.

    Through special application:

    For those of Italian origin up to the second degree, the applicant must have served in the Italian armed forces or civil service or have resided for two years in Italy before reaching the age of majority.

    If Italian-born, the applicant must have resided in Italy continuously from birth to adulthood.

    Through marriage:

    After six months of legal residence in Italy, the spouse of an Italian citizen can acquire Italian citizenship through naturalisation or after three years of marriage (if overseas) provided lack of criminal record and lack of national security concern.

    Through naturalisation:

    After 10 years of legal residence, absence of criminal record, and sufficient financial resources, a foreigner may naturalise (three years for former Italian citizens up to the second degree and for aliens born on Italian territory, four years for nationals of EU member states, five years for refugees or stateless persons and seven years for those "affiliated with an Italian citizen.")

  3. Most bizzare question....hmmm, well, firstly, you will have to marry an Italian and then live there for donkeys years before you can get one! Or erm, plead assylum and hiope you can stay there and eventually get

    Well, if they were going to give you one it wouldn't be very legal!

  4. I don't live in the US and I am not an American citizen but how can I get an American passport? Are you kidding me?

    On the corner of 5th and Market, they are giving passports away. Pick whichever country you like.

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