
I need a liability waiver ?

by Guest34094  |  earlier

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I have a small errand service business for seniors and individuals. Sometimes the elderly residents family want their mother/father to go out with to run these errands or escort their family member on outings. I want to take them along with me, but I'm concerned if something may happen. There is a possibility that we may get in a car accident or someone may fall, or become ill on one of theses outings. How do I protect myself from being sued?




  1. Make sure you auto insurance company classifies your vehicle for business use in case your in a car accident.

    Take out a business policy that includes liability in case someone gets hurt, like falling or you do something wrong.

  2. I will assume you mean you do these errands in/with your auto.  You can either buy insurance for protection may already have it.  Contact your Auto insurance company and ask

  3. You can't.  You can't make someone sign away their rights to be compensated by you or your insurance if some act of yours causes them injury.

    Hopefully you have a commercial insurance coverage on your vehicle and your business, and that will cover anything that happens to clients and their escorts.

    I'd also suggest, if you haven't thought of this already, that you get trained in first aid and CPR, given your clientele.

    You might also consider allowing it, but an extra charge for extra passengers.

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