
I need a link. Will one of my Muslim Friends help me out?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to listen to a Muslim preacher, I don't know the proper term. One that's is teaching the word of God and not even talking about Israel.

Is that a possibility? Can you offer a link?




  1. JD,

    I know why you need those links, but I'm gona give you a couple because it's public anyway.

    you are asking for a Muslim preacher :

    this is the English site.

    another good one for you :

    I agree with hopeless if you need to learn more about Quran, not at all with Lupines cause Memri is a Kupti (Egyptian Christians) it is already your views, nothing new to you to discover.

    lol, have fun, and try to dig what you need.


    Press play in the bottom left hand corner. This is the Quran english Arab and other languages. but you can hear it in Arab. Then in the top left corner, you choose the drop down box that says sura. then you can hear other chapters. Enjoy. Peace!

    edit: if it is an Imam in Friday prayers that you wanted to hear, I'm sorry not many services are televised. It is sort of bad against God to have cameras or such in a mosque. Although I have seen services on TV from London. Yet they are in english?! Perhaps another will help more. Peace!

  3. I am a "Quran Only" muslim:

    Our principle is:

    "Messenger or no messenger:  God Alone, Quran Alone"

    However, we rarely have a preacher. Its just that we communicate our understandings. There are some useful links that may serve in this respect:

    1-   http:/

    2-   http/

    3-   http:/

    Let me clarify a little bit on the subtle difference:

    There is NOTHING related to politics on these sites !  

    is run by the supporters of "Rashad Khalifa". He is a controversial figure for the Main stream and Organized Islam. For he claimed to be a Messenger of God. In fact with reference to a "Covenant". e.g.  "Messenger of Covenant".

    The site is VERY informative and QUITE neutral. It has the softwares and the translations of Quran (06 nos.). The main translation used is of RK (Rashad Khalifa). I must admit it is the EASIEST and perhaps the best translation I have read.


    Personal opinion. Not a single translation is absolutely correct. There are flaws and mistakes in each of them. However, I believe the work of RK is certainly a class above the rest.

    One of the TOP contributor of this site is "Edip Yuksel". He broke off from submission and is one of the organizers of this site. His stance is "We should stick to Quran Alone". He thinks that following the "Appendices" of RK is like following a source other than Quran.


    I personally am in agreement to Edip Yuksel. It is pertinent to note that WE (myself and my friends as well as Edip Yuksel) acknowledge that RK was indeed a Messenger. However, we wish to keep the message of Quran pure. Not subject to appendices. I admit that the appendices HELPED me a lot in getting understandings that I did not have. But in the end we do not wish to fall into any idolatory.



    There is another site of a late Pakistani scholar (Ghulam Ahmed Pervaiz)

    However almost all the work and lectures of the scholar are in Urdu. They are being translated to English and some of the work is available in English on this site. It is good and excels in CERTAIN (very few) areas, over the work of Rashad Khalifa. However, you will have to bear with the typical long comentaries (often with biasness towards a typical ideology e.g. socialism) and use your own judgement to extract the core material.

  4. I have a link to most decent service i've seen.  They talk about ex-communicate of the radicals from a mosque in the UAE.

    I will try to get someone over here to give you something better (a regular service that doesn't talk about any of this.)  I asked a few question over in Ramadan section I'll try to drag one of those peaceful ones over here ;)

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