
I need a list of everything I owe on, everything that was sent to the collection agency?

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My husband and I are bringing in more money and I'd like to pay off everything that was sent to the collection agency that I couldn't pay. Do they all get sent to the same place or are there different agencies or does each state have their own? I need a list or booklet of everything I owe on... Thanks.




  1. Diedra. I own a debt/credit consultation business.

    We specialize in resolving the debt. improving and cleaning the credit and building it back up

    Refer to for more info. We are always here for free advice

    Just fill out the form

    im Aaron

  2. There are different collection companies and all that information will be on your credit report. Some collection companies report to one or two bureaus and not all 3. Get all 3 credit reports at

    This is a free credit report given to you yearly as mandated by Fair Credit Reporting Act. All your charge offs will be listed here as well as contact information of all the collection companies.

    Note that once you start paying, it resets the Statute of Limitations in some states. So unless and until you plan to pay this debt off fully and/or close the account as settled, you might not want to pay. Plus it is reported on your credit for 7 years after it was first reported delinquent by the original creditor. Nothing resets that date! So if you have had collections starting in 2001, you can have them removed from your credit stating FRCA laws of 7 years. Also if you are paying or settling, make sure to get a pay for delete letter. I cant stress this enough. Without this letter, these entries will be paid off but the collection item will not be removed and hurt you for 7 years after this account was first delinquent. Here is an example of pay for delete letter.

    You can negotiate for as little as 10% of what you originally owe on your account. No matter if you settle or pay in full, GET THAT LETTER! Have it signed on official letterhead from the collections and keep it for your record. You will be in good position if your state's Statute of Limitations (SOL) has expired. SOL allows a time frame where a creditor can sue you in court and get a judgment against you. Usually for most states it is 3-5 years for unsecured debt. Check your state's SOL time line for unsecured debt. Tax liens, child support and student loans are exempt from SOL. Note that depending on your state, an oral or a written acknowledgment of debt might reset the SOL. That includes writing a check to collections company. Now unless you pay in full, or have the account settled and closed based on your negotiating skills, never start paying them and leave them off! That is the worst thing you can do! Never acknowledge it on the phone or written. Take a cue from the sample letter on how to go about it. If the SOL has passed you can settle for somewhere between 10-50% of the value and before you pay a dime, get that letter of deletion! Paying off your debts will look good. Paying your debts off and having them removed is the ideal scenario. Collection Companies are like car dealers. You have to haggle with them a lot.

  3. Why don't you order your annual free credit report from the 3 bureaus. All that information will be in it. Here is how to order.

  4. How can you not know who you owe money to?  It's wrong not to pay your bills in the first place, but then not to even know who you are indebted to is beyond irresponsible.

    Update:  I apologize for being a little quick on my answer, but frankly a few of those details upfront would have helped  to understand your situation better.  It is a good thing that you are in a better position and able to improve on your situation.  Good luck to you.

  5. N K gave a very good answer. I just wanted to add that Angie needs to realize that collection agencies routinely sell/transfer accounts to other companies, so it's not hard to fathom that the asker would need to do some research to find out who owns the accounts now.

  6. go to  get the 3in1 deal.  It pulls your credit and shows everything you owe.  The 3in1 deal pulls all 3 Credit Bureaus, and it costs $30.  Companies will sell your accounts to collection companies.

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