
I need a list of items to pack in my suitcase and hand luggage for Spain?

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Heyaz, I'm going on holiday in 7 weeks to Spain, I've checked the weather forecast for temperatures etc, and it is supposed to be around the 35mark.YAY! TAN lol. So I need a list of what to pack in my suitcase and hand luggage as I always overpack, but I usually get changed two three times a day lol. So any suggestions????

Tasha x*x




  1. nooooo

  2. In brief:

    two bathing suits/coverup

    three pairs of sandals

    2 sundresses for evening

    I skirt for day or evening

    2 pr shorts

    2 pair capri pants

    8 tops--tanks, etc in different colors

    1 cardi or hoodie

    suncreen, your usual cosmetics, cologne

    scarf or shawl

    bold costume jewelry for fun

    You must be going to the coast.  So don't forget the suncreen for sure!!

  3. look i live in grece and the wather is about the sme..take your bikini and some ligth skirts and dreeses...flip flops..thats abouts it...oh and some pairs of shorts...

  4. hello tanya How to Travel With One Bag and change 2 o 3 time a day (me too when I aTRAVEL)

    Things You’ll Need:

    Shoes and flip-flops

    Cameras and accessories

    Shower bag


    Clothes and robe


    Linens and towels

    Zip-top gallon bags

    Place a notepad and pen in your packing area. As you pack, it will be easier to write things down that you remember at the last minute rather than stopping in the middle of packing to go on a scavenger hunt for forgotten items.

    Don't wait until the night before you leave to begin packing. If you have forgotten anything it may be too late to purchase. It's best to get a good night sleep before your travel

    Try to select clothes that can share accessories, like shoes and belts.

    Many people buy new socks and undergarments to take to camp. If appropriate, plan to leave the new items at home, and pack the old. Then you can throw away old undergarments at the end of each day. This will lighten the return home packing process.

    Try to select clothes that don't wrinkle easily and aren't bulky.

    Check the weather forecast for your destination so that you can dress appropriately. Don't forget to take a rain jacket or plastic poncho.

    Plan to wear your heaviest pair of shoes while you travel to the camp so that your bag will be lighter.

    If you're concerned that the travel-size items will not last the entire time you are at camp, then use the items a few weeks before you leave to see how many days each bottle will last. Then you will know what quantity of each travel size item to purchase for the trip. Refill the bottles if you can, instead of buying new ones.

    Try to purchase containers that close securely to prevent leaks.

    Most camps do not provide linens and towels. Be sure to check to see if you need to bring these items.

    Place two pillow cases on your pillow in case the outside one gets dirty. Or, you can turn the pillowcase inside out.

    Placing items in clear zip-top bags allows you to find things in your luggage quickly without unfolding clothes and disrupting an organized bag. The zip-top bags also help you pack tightly by removing excess air in the luggage.

    If you are traveling with a group, place an easily identifiable marker on your bag, such as colorful tape or luggage straps, so that you can quickly distinguish your bag from others.

    Label all of your items with your name in case they are misplaced at camp.

    Pack a robe and flip-flops for use in the shower area. A bag that can hang on the shower faucet is a handy place to put your shower toiletries

    Get a bag with shoulder or back straps and plenty of pockets. The bag need not be huge, since one will not carry much.

    Gather the following:

    Three changes of clothing (at most)

    Laundry detergent for washing by hand (powdered is much easier to handle than liquid, and allowed on airplanes.)

    A universal sink stopper (available at any hardware store). A rubber ball is a good alternative.

    A portable clothesline (available at any camping or travel goods store)


    Pack using the "bundle" method: wrap clothes around large objects (such as bags of toiletries or pairs of shoes), rather than folding or rolling clothes. Stuff underwear and socks into shoes to save space and to prevent crushing shoes. The bundle method saves the most space and also prevents wrinkling.

    Buy toiletries in miniature or transfer liquid contents like shampoo into smaller travel bottles. Save hotel/airplane toiletries so you can pack them the next time you travel.

    Put toiletries that could leak (shampoo, gel, etc.) in plastic bags to avoid the hassle of having your clothes covered in liquid soap. Bags are also useful if clothing doesn't completely dry overnight.

    Due to airline security issues, you should use solids rather than liquids. Shampoo is available in solid soap-block form. Better yet, purchase toiletries at your destination to avoid security issues. They may be cheaper too depending on the currency.

    Minimize the number of items that require electricity, as converters can be costly and space-consuming. Portable electronics often run on batteries, and shaving, of course, can be done by hand.

    Mail home or give away items not necessary for traveling, such as finished books or souvenirs.

    Trading books is a great free way to keep one's travel library fresh. Also check out - here you can leave books for others to pick up and find books wherever you might be in the world that others have left behind (bookcrossers leave notes about the books, you can read where the book's been, reviews, etc.).

    You should be able to fit a sheet of labels in your bag to stick on the books...or better yet print them out from a public computer in an internet cafe...

    Packing List

    Here is a wonderful Packing list from My Very Dear Friend. For staying in a condo at the beach. You will have to adapt it to your vacation. Feel free to copy and paste it into Word.


    ____ask neighbor to bring in recycle, paper and mail

    ____make dog reservation

    ____clean out dog kennel

    ____pack dog's food, treats, leash (or cat's)


    ____changes of clothes

    ____sets of underwear (underpants, socks, undershirts, bras, slips, jock straps)

    ____sleep shirts/pjs

    ____dress outfits (pantyhose/tights)

    ____shoes (tennis, sandals, dress, slippers)

    ____robes (swim cover ups)

    ____special sports wear (tennis, golf, skiing)


    ____swim towels

    ____goggles, swimmies




    ____heavy coats, mittens, hats, boots








    ____hair things


    ____kids' shampoo

    ____bubble bath



    ____sun block





    ____shaving kit

    ____make up bag






    ____lidded cups


    ____pnut butter

    ____knife, spoon

    ____cereal, milk




    ____Kitchen Disinfectant










    ____sleeping bags



    ____cell phone, cord, charger

    ____books, magazines

    ____stamps, pen, paper

    ____sporting equiptment: tennis racquets, balls, mitts, inflatable mattresses, pool toys, rollerblades

    ____golf clubs

    ____Hostess gift(s)



    ____resort information


    ____feed, water cat

    ____change litter

    ____take dog to kennel

    ____set VCR(s)

    ____turn on porch light, set timers

    ____clear answering machine

    ____water plants

    ____check doors, all appliances off

    ____turn down heat/air conditioning

    ____post card labels

    ____post card stamps

    ____bills that will be due while gone

    ____sufficient checks to pay bills


    ____large garbage bags for dirty clothes

    ____laundry soap

    ____dryer sheets

  5. clothes


    wow that other guy said

    Kitchen Disinfectant




    not bring that stuff

    he must have problems lol

    i always overpack!!

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