
I need a list of the creepiest hobbies you can think of.?

by  |  earlier

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Preferably hobbies hinting at weirdness.




  1. Taxidermy.

  2. Collecting dog mess.

  3. booger, armpit hair, fingernail collecting.

    roach collecting.

    i used to pee in 2 liter soda bottles and keep them in my closet. before i threw them out I had around 30 bottles! I saved money on the water bill because I didn't use the toilet for #1 which uses 5 gallons of water each flush.

  4. Idk, touching yourself?


    Lol that's a bit scary

  5. I know a man who stores all of his fingernail and toenail clippings in shoeboxes. He has stacks of them. He just can't stand to part with them.


  6. taxidermy

  7. Taxidermy.

    Glass eater.

    Please make mine best answer! :)

  8. Seat cushion sniffing.

  9. collecting belly button lint or clipped toenails

  10. grave stone l*****g,

    f**t bottling,

    making models out of ear wax,

    making jewelery out of nail clippings

  11. Celebrity blog-writing

  12. bungy jumping

  13. Toenail collection.

  14. Sick, just sick.  How about a bunch of drunk Texans sitting in a large circle shooting at the doves in the middle?  How about a bunch of (here we go) druuunnnkkk Texans shooting off bottle rockets and trying to catch them with their butts-right by a forest!

    Seen it...Live here!

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