
I need a little advice on hairstyles.. (Pics included)?

by Guest59723  |  earlier

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Last summer, i cut my hair pretty short, not as short as i want to go now, and i absolutely hated it. When i did get it cut, i was using a very in-expensive straightener that didn't do any good for my hair, and i have a really good straightener now, that keeps my hair very straight...i don't know if i should keep it long, or go short.. give me your advice. What would look good with my face?

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  1. yeah dye your hair black and try curling;ll look nice and it&#039;ll make a huge difference from always having it straight,...chaaaa it wouldn&#039;t hurt to curl it will gel and mouse or just with a curling;ll look nice...try putting your bangs to the side but not covering half your don&#039;t wanna cover that pretty face of yours now....k so try doing it like this....

    try it!!!


  2. keep it! i like it how it is!

  3. I think that long would look good on you. It looks pretty now, but once in a while give your hair a break from straightening because it can fry your hair and sometimes even fall off because it gets extremely damaged.

  4. i like your hair

  5. choppy choppy bangs

    or just side swooped bangs you look so good

  6. It already looks nice. So maybe a variation of what you have now?

  7. the second one will look good. you should also die your hair blond then have some brown in it. it will look pretty on you.

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