
I need a little help with my hamster..?

by  |  earlier

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i have a two year old hamster. she has this strange bump on the left side of her face. shes had it for about a week. also she has lost a lot of fur on her stomach, leg and face. and she also has two black dots (looking like a scab) on either side of her back. i have pictures. Please help me in figuring out what this may be.

so my questions are. What could it be? And How do i cure it?

you you need any extra info just ask.




  1. You should definitely go to a vet,

    I had a hamster before, and hair loss isn't too strange,

    but this looks a little odd. Better to be safe then sorry

  2. you just need 2 take yo hamster to the vet and get that checked out right away

  3. frecle or bump it looks preety bad see vet

  4. believe it or not, you can take your hamster to the vet.  in fact, it may be the only way to help your hamster.  the vet will take a biopsy of the bump by inserting a needle into it, and getting a sample of the fluid inside.  only then will you know what the bump on your hamsters neck is.  

  5. For pete's sakes girl go to the vet.

  6. i think you should probally ask your local vet and see what he thinks. this could be serious or just minor. is he eating at all?

  7. Ok you need to take her to the vet. ASAP! Banfield inside of Petsmart is open until 6 today. I have a sugarglider and a few weeks ago I was ready about illnesses and they had pics and it look alot like you hampster it could be a serious infection. Take her to the vet.

  8. the same thing happened to my hamster,unfortunately it has a tumor,mine passed away

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