im researching one of Italys islands called Poveglia, meant to be the worlds most haunted place.(but thats not the question ) around the 1500,s the island became a dumping ground for people infected with the black plague, over 160,000 people were taken there some dead, and some dying, ..they were left there to rot into the ground..the locals say a thick layer of the island is made up of human remains, which it would be as its only a small island..the island is off bounds to pretty much everyone, including tourists...only the odd people have sneaked over there in curiousity, and ghost hunting...anyway what i want to get some light on is..would the plague still lay dorment deep in the soil still today, say if someone went there and started digging up parts of the island, could it disturb it, or would it be totally killed off by now,..remember these people were deeply infected, with no quaratine, or medical help, they were just dumped there and decomposed into the ground...