
I need a lizard that really dose not like to be held and is not a million dollars that is easy to care for?

by  |  earlier

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beacuse i dont have the time to hold a lizard every day but it needs to be cool




  1. dude get a MADAGASCAR GREEN GECKO, coolest looking geckos ever.

    they climb walls, and look like how geckos should look like!

    their really bright green with splashes of blue and purple and sometimes red

    i had one, and their so pretty to look at but not to hold cuz their way to fast

    anyway there also only 50 bucks, mine died unfortunantly, but still get one of those or google em, their awsome looking!

  2. A toy on a shelf is "cool/kewl."  A living animal is not a decoration.

    Why would you want a 'pet' which you don't have time for, and that you plan to neglect/ignore?

    I would recommend a pair a female anoles, so that they have each other for company.  They require little space, but they do require care, humidity, heat, feeding, cleaning, etc.  I hope you will have time for that, at least.

    Enjoy looking at your pet.  I hope this has been helpful.

    ***ADD Yep. I agree with Scott.  This will be the first time I ever recommended a Tokay as a pet, but for what you want - it will work great.  And yes, they DO bite, and mean it when they do.  IF he gets hold of you - don't struggle-pull away.  Just let go of him, in his cage, and stand there till he turns you loose.  Be careful feeding him, and he'll be really happy not to be held!  But - they are "cool/kewl" to look at!

    Good luck!

  3. I got a good one man .....a Monitor these lizards are like the meanest ever man. Steve Erwin got bite a few times lol and it diffently left a mark lol they are mean if you dont take the time to handle them alot....Sooo in this case i think it will be a good choice. 2nd choice = A Broad headed skink ...i rerember picking up one of those bad boys when i was like 10 and that thing bit me they only get to like 12 inches but they are fairly large ...and in this case i guess you could call him (cool) .....i got one more and im gonna get some thumbs down on this one but (you could get a Komodo Dragon .....dont get bit it will eat you lol, andif you did excape you have extremely deadly bacteria in you caused by the bite)  

    ps dont get the komodo

    ps hope i helped -Reptile.Helper

  4. You want a lizzard that REALLY does not want to be held and does not cost a million bucks? Go out and buy a TOKAY GECKO at your local pet store. Now, if they are nice enough to tell you it bites they mean it bites. It means to hurt when it bites and the more you try to get loose the harder and longer it holds on. They really, really don't like to be held.  They do look really cool though and they GROWEL, no kidding. They are very easy to care for and they eat cricketts and will usually eat pinkie mice too.

  5. idk but do not get a gecko they never seem to last 2 weeks but that's me choose yourself

  6. A pet is a living creature and if you want something that does not cost that much and does not need attention is a stuffed animal.  If you don't have time right now wait until you will have time.  Animals do need to be checked often because they may be sick.  So just wait and get a lizard that you can handle and enjoy.  Good luck though.

  7. what about an  anole,,,they are cheap,,,small,,,easily maintained. And also they change colors!

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