
I need a lot of help! I am 13 and need to make 375 dollars in one week for the iphone please tell me some ways

by Guest67020  |  earlier

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Please don't tell me things like I don't need the Iphone and also please don't tell me things like answer questions and take polls on the internet because I know that they are all scams! I would very much appreciate it if you gave me an answer as soon as possible * ALSO I LIVE IN A GATED PRIVATE COMMUNITY!




  1. put up an add and offer to babysit

  2. huh?  what does where you live have to do with it?

    And by the way, you DON'T need an iphone.  Sorry!  There are many other cheaper phones out there.  It's not just your parents who will tell you that, it's true.  Don't buy into the latest marketing scandal.

    If you manage to pony up $400, invest it!  At age 13, you could invest that in even a low-interest rate account and still become a millionaire with it.  Ahh, kids will never get it at your age, will they?


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