
I need a lot of help with a boy!?

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So there is this guy that I really think I like a lot.

Last year in eighth grade we started texting a lot, but we had never officially met in person or like talked in person.

So now I'm a freshman and he's a sophmore and the first week of school has gone by and we have texted a little but we haven't talked to each other in person.

Now, I'm not saying that he likes me cause I'm totally doubting he does cause there are these two girls that are now in eighth grade and they're like all over him like hugging him and stuff.

I really want to talk to him and I like him a lot, but I'm just really nervous and I don't want to act like those girls do cause I'm not 'like that' if you know what I mean? Haha. So can anyone help?

(By the way we know what eachother looks like, we talk on MySpace too and go to the same school! And the other girls go to the middle school and me and the guy go to the highschool!)

And now he won't text me back! :(




  1. try to make plans to see him and really talk to him so that he likes you


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