
I need a lot of opinions. Pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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OK.. this might be a long story. Im 16. on July 6th my boyfriend and i didnt exactly have intercourse but he tried to go into my v****a. This was the day i suspected that ovulated or around the day that i did. ever since then i have been really tired, everytime i do something physical my heart races more than normal and i feel sick, my breast have gotten unusually larger and you can see some of the vains in that area and around under the belly button. Im a little bloated and when i do feel cramps, they are just gas. I think that im pregnant and i suspect my period is going to start next week, while im in the heat at band camp. i have also felt very faint and have some, not a lot sometimes, but while milky sort of discharge when i go to the bathroom. Im also constipated and go to the bathroom a lot more. and my body temp has raised. I got a first responce pregnancy test. If i supsect i start sunday or monday when should i take it. Am i mpregnant or is this a sign of my period




  1. If he went in than yes take a pregnancy test. If her(I'm taking a wild stab in the dark here) If he came on you near the vigina than to let you know  now Sperm cells can swim so they is a 48% chance the found the egg cell in that amount of time. If he didn't go in than you are just ill((NOT INSULTING YOU))

    There is an illness were females think and believe something is going on in/about their bodies the brain will send the hormones and frequentcies and your body will start to go through those symtoms you should go see a local doctor if the symptoms continue...

  2. If you & your boyfriend did not actually have in he didn't ejaculate you are most likely experiencing the build up to your period.

  3. :] heyy casey if it went in and i mean his p***s have somebodii take u to planned parent hood for a free preganacy test

  4. Casey you aren't pregnant. From now on get on the pill and make him use a condom. Jeese when you girls ever learn.

  5. You cannot get pregnant unless the p***s has been in your v****a and he has ejaculated.

  6. i doubt that you would have symptoms already i believe you are just having a scare because you know its POSSIBLE i would say you have nothing to worry about but dont make that mistake again

  7. hmmm well only you know how you feel before you start your period. have u thought about that?

    mm STDS can be contracted just by contacts in the private area.

    this could just be your mind worried about getting pregnant and the mind can trick you and make u think you are because it's just how the brain works sometimes.

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