
I need a mid life career change.?

by Guest6  |  earlier

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I am currently a university technician and my educational background is chemistry to MSc. I am very unhappy in my current job and I need a change. One of the reasons for being unhappy is related to disability. I have several mild hidden disabilities and I'm partly deaf.

Many people have commented that I can teach well but I've never wanted to teach children and I think the disabilities would leave me open to teasing and other problems with handling children. However, I would like to teach adults and I've been wondering what it's like to teach adult literacy and numeracy.

I've found an organization who deal with such teachers but they had an answerphone and I've not yet heard back from them. Does anyone know what training is needed, how long for and if the career can be rewarding?




  1. It is very hard to find suitable career for anyone. A person with disabilities can face more problems in job hunting. However, there is rapid increase in the jobs where hearing disabilities does not hinder.
    Now a days, a deaf person can also do job of his choice. There are many jobs which are performed on one on basis.
    Some of them are teaching in the deaf community, data Entry, web design and freelance writing.
    These all jobs only need your concentration, will and devotion. Your hear impairment will not create any hindrance.
    Training and Development Agency for Schools can also be helpful to get suitable job for you.
    Here is its website and contact number:
    0845 6000 991.

  2. i would like to suggest you to choose IT  field take a course of web will change your carrier..

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