
I need a mobile no of my friend pls help me?

by  |  earlier

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I need a mobile no of my friend pls help me?




  1. And you think we know that how?

    just ask them!

  2. and ur asking strangers on the internet because.....

  3. which friend where he lives, if in india only god can help if in canada or america use directory service

  4. stupid

  5. no one that works for a cell phone company can provide you that information,..not only would they get fired, but also be breaking the law!

  6. Ask him/her.  There is no way anyone on here can help you.

  7. ask him or her.......

  8. Sure we can help you...but you will need to tell us few details so that we could get this information....

    name of your friend

    his/her address

    his/her land line number.....:)

    once you give this we can find his/her mobile number for you!

  9. His number is 458-3367. But you're going to have to try all the area codes. Better get started right away.

  10. Try logging on orkut  

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