
I need a monologue/i am auditioning for romeo and juliet?

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of course, like all girls i really want the role of juliet.

i need a good monologue that is graceful and beautiful, perhaps from another shakespeare play, although it is not necessary .

oh and it cannot be from romeo and juliet





  1. goggle monologues and then pick one.that's how i got mine its very simple.


    Try some of this,especially the 'mercy. speech by Portia.....

    We studied it in school,it's meant to be a romantic comedy,but I don't see how.....

    Best of luck with the audition!!

  3. so read some plays!

  4. *ack!!*

    Why oh why would you do that?

    I love Shakespeare, but I hate Romeo and Juliet !

    And i am a girl.

    I was going to recommend the monologue from the balcony scene but since you cannot use R&J ....  Try using a monologue from either Much Ado About Nothihg, A Midsummer Night's Dream or The Taming of the Shrew.

    My personal favourites are Hamlet and Macbeth. You COULD use text from either of those two plays to show your depth of understanding for the language as well as your artistic ability in performing a variety of emotions, but since you want to enact something "romantic" I would suggest one of the aformentioned.

    Hero's Speech at the Wedding (Much Ado) is decent; As are some others in a great variety of plays.

    My suggestion?  Go with a Shakespeare play, to demonstrate your ability and understanding of the language and text. You cannot act out a part convincingly if you don't understand what you're saying. Seriously. Pick a monologue that streches your ability and demonstrates versitility in being to act just more than one "character type".  Make a list of various monologues (maybe 5-10) that really interest you. Narrow it down to the one in which you have the most comprehension of the text and is the easiest for you to do.  Stumbling over text will NOT help the audition, neither will stressing the wrong lines because you don't know what the text means.  Practice, Practice, Practice.  Have someone run lines with you, (to prep you for your part) and then, do your monologue over and over until you're living, breathing Shakespeare.

    I love Shakespeare, but not everyone "gets it" and it's always a disappointment to see an actor/actress (even on a high school level) that has talent, but of whom hasn't a clue as to what he or she is saying.

    IF you need help with the text, you can email me. And seriously, I want to know how it goes. I hope you get the part. It's Fun. Really Fun. REALLY FUN.

    Good Luck!



    *edit* Amanda is right about that. I would suggest maybe Helena's "How happy some o'er other some can be! Through Athens I am thought as fair as she..." speech in act 1.

    I played Helena in my senior play (Highschool lol 12 years ago ROFL) so if you need help with that, i can help you there too.

  5. The play I believe that has the best monologues is Midsummer Night's Dream.

    It it littered with monologues, with Helena having the best.

    Hermia having a few good ones, and Titania with monologues that are in prose (which I wouldn't recommend only because you're auditioning for a show that isn't in prose.)

    Just read the book, there are so many good monologues, otherwise I would give you a few.

    If you don't want to read it, flip through the pages till you find them.

    Of course then there's always google to look for some. :)

    Good luck!

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