
I need a mother figure.?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have a mom and all that.

but me and my mom dont get along very well and she works alot, so

i see her bout twice a week, and we only talk about once.

my older sister has noticed this, but i kinda dont like my older sister.

and from her past i just dont want any help from her.

im a VERY independent person.

so people just tend to stay away from helping me.

i have this old coach i could go to, but she is good friends with the parents of the people i have problems with, so i cant go to her.

im just SOO effing stressed lately, i find myself crying to sleep alot,

btw, im 13, my sister is 19.

Please help.

oh and here is another problem in my life, its nothing big.;_ylt=AqInHM8VCqzpkaRxFO_jpyDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080817180536AAf62n7




  1. just calm your self

    meditate study about what ever u want

    read soothe your self and then study the situation

    pray to God for guidance and help an you will be able to

    resolve your situation

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