
I need a myspace pro to answer this 1!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my dad is so nosy he is always snooping through my comments and i have them hidden but he knows how to look at them anyway. are there anyways i can have it to where he cant snoop. i dont live with him or anything and i just want privacy!!!! every little comment i get he has to read and ask me about it!




  1. Options:

    1. Delete your comments.

    2. Make a new myspace and make sure he doesn't ever find out where it is.

    3. Talk to your dad and tell him to stop.

  2. Well, how old are you?   There is a reason he is snooping on you, you obviously have things to hide if it bothers you.

  3. private your profile && delete him as friend ?

    unless he has your myspace password then your screwed ?

  4. does he know your myspace password?

    if he does, change it.

    if he doesn't, just sign out and don't leave the window up on your computer.

    that, or just delete all your comments...

    there isn't a way to hide all your comments from viewing in your dads case. =/


    waht i did is deleted all my comments and then wrote one to myself saying "Stop being so nosey and looking at my hidden comments" so if anyone does look at my comments it says that.

    Or make a new myspace:)

  6. all parents are concerned about thier kids, its just that some parents take it too far.  

    I know of a few websites that has lots of hiding codes.  That's the only thing I know.

  7. 1. Talk to him and let him know this is invading your privacy and you want him to stop. Ask why he is so concerned that he has to check all your comments in the first place. Let him know he can just talk to you without snooping.

    2. Make your myspace private and don't put your dad on your friends list. (delete him if he's on there) That way he won't be able to see your comments no matter what he does.

    to make it private:::

    Click "My Account" on the right side of the top menu

    Click "Privacy"

    Choose Profile Viewable By: FRIENDS ONLY

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