
I need a new Sprint cellphone. Ideas PLEASE!?

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my current cellphone is the sprint palm 775p and i really like it but, its cracekd and doesnt work. i want my phone to be 1.touchscreeen 2.have a keyboard 3. be pretty thin, a lot thinner than mine now.

also i do not want the palm centro, or really any palms..




  1. Yeah the Instinct is pretty sick! It's just that it doesn't have IM which is RI-DIC-U-LOUS! Come on Sprint! Get it together LOL. But if you don't care for IM than it's a great phone for you!

    Also it's thin, nice, and sleek. The QWERTY keyboard comes up touchscreen like when you turn it on it's side. It's pretty cool! I've used it and it's awesome. Actually, it may just be better than your old Palm!

  2. Get the instict. It is supposed to be one of the best new cell phones from sprint. It's touchscreen and everything. It looks pretty cool check it out:

  3. the rumor. :)

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