
I need a new bike, how do I convince my mom to get me a new one?

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I need a new bike. My bike was my ex-best friend's for 5 years, and before that, it was her older sister's for 3 years and I've had it for 3 years. It's old.... 11 years. One brake is broken, one barely works, and the tires are so worn that I have to pump them up constantly because of lost air. My mom knows that my bike is c**p. But she's convinced that this bike will work for at least 2 more years or until I stop growing, and then she's promised to buy me a brand new bike. I need a new bike NOW. It's c**p, so how do I convince my mom to buy me a new bike now? I cannot stand another old crappy used bike. I need a new one which will last me a while. Any advice?




  1. First, you gotta go really fast off of it and jump off and get try to get gashes across your shins an fore arms WHILE wearing kneebads, elbowpads, and a helmet. Not for safety, so when you come home your mom cant blame you for not wearing a helmet and all those pads. Then you gotta do is pop the tires by putting some broken glass in them, break the brake (no pun intended), (this is the fun part) snap the chain by sliding it across the street and watch it make sparks.

  2. First of all it depends on the bike you want. Take your mom to a local bike shop and talk to some of the people there. they know a lot more about bikes then tour mom. Try some out and then make a decision. Maybe the bike people can convince her.

  3. say mom do u want me to be a coach patato and stay in the house all day instead of riding a bike can u please get me one

  4. Point our how unsafe your bike is.

    I've seen many kids take some nasty spills because of brakes that didn't work properly.  Get a new bike.  Maybe offer to pay for half?

  5. 1.  save on gas

    2.  healthy living

    3.  excellent exercise

  6. Here's my thought:

    To get the bike road-worthy, the brakes need to fixed or replaced - which cost $

    The tyres will need to replaced, and the tubes proberly as well - also costing $.

    Also, it  wouldn't hurt for the bike to have a general check-up as well.

    So some money will be need to spent anyhow, if you want a safe bike - how much depending on where you live.

    Just an idea to consider - but remember she's your mum, so be prepared to barter (maybe offer to do some extra chores in return).

    Good luck

  7. OK, try this, place your bike behind your Mom's car. When she reverses out of the driveway she'll drive over your bike and you come rushing out and burst into really, you have to absolutely go hystericle.

    Mom will feel so bad she'll buy you a new one.....job done. Hope this helps, good luck!!!

  8. I was looking through your description, and I found this: "But she's convinced that this bike will work for at least 2 more years or until I stop growing. . ." I'm guessing your mom thinks that you will instantly outgrow the bike that she will buy for you. Tell her that should that happen, you can move your seat higher and farther back to compensate

    These two videos teach you how to adjust your seat

    the seat has rails, so you can slide it back and forth then tighten it

  9. I think that you need 2 say all of these bad points about your bike to your mum, she should relise that your life could be in danger and change her mind about getting you a bike

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