
I need a new look for school, PLZ HELP!??

by Guest59184  |  earlier

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I'm well aware of the fact that my eyebrows r HIDEOUS, they'r really bad, plz don't point that out, i already know.

Anyway, i wanted to try a new look for school this year, and i was wondering if anybody had any ideas of what makeup and colors i should use. I really want to make my eyes POP.

Can anyone help???

Thanks in Advance!




  1. I think that u should actually leave ur hair as is but add a lil bit more volume with a volumizer and spruce it up, try adding twist and anything new... also i think u should use eyeliner only on ur upperlid and extend the line... for eye shadow use blues and gold.. i can see ur eyes poppin with that.. i hope that works! :)

  2. you can use white if you want to look more awake.

    to make your eyes pop, you really have to focus on eyelashes.

    clump free long lashes make your eyes look bigger.

  3. u can try black eyeliner with brown eyeshadow on the sides, you can put bronze blush on the top of your cheeks for lips try light pink, or nutral lip gloss

       u can also put mouse, or anti frizz on your hair its easy or straighten it if u have time

    have fun

  4. Try:

    -putting lotion all over your face,

    -drawing a thin line of brown eyeliner on your lower lash line,

    -curling your upper eyelashes with an eyelash curler,

    -putting on one coat of clear mascara on your upper and lower eyelashes, and

    -some lip balm.

  5. Straighten your hair.

  6. Try this

    I live by this girl she is amazing just watch her tutorials.

    For the glasses:

    And those for brown eyes:

    For you hair:

  7. You can have a look at the Latest Hairstyles in 2008.

  8. I don't think you should straighten your hair your hair is pretty.  I know this doesn't answer your question very well but, I don't think you need to change.  And if you do make sure your still yourself. (i know this is corny) but be yourself don't try to be some one you're not.  

    PS your eyebrows aren't that horrible.

  9. You are gorgeous girl!

    Do what you think will look nice.

    Sorry i didn't really answer your questions but i can't get over how gorgeous you are!

  10. OMG! There is so many things you could do!

    I'll give you specific brands too.

    First of all... lets look at your hair. It's really frizzy and poofy. Use these hair products. (link below) I know for some people this may be an expensive price but do a little cleaning, mow some lawns and earn money!

    Also straightening your hair every now and then wouldn't hurt. And you would look so cute if you put your hair in a pony tail on the days that you don't straighten your hair or something.

    Eyes: You got natually big eyes, and thats a good thing. To make your eyes POP some girl posted a very useful video of the makeup products she uses and how to apply it.

    The products she uses are:

    Urban Decay's Primer Potion for a base, get all around your eyes.

    Then use MAC'S Silver mineralized eyeshadow into the inner core of your upper and lower eyelids.

    After apply MAC'S Purple Mi' Lady mineralized eyeshadow to the rest of your upple eyelid.

    Then use the same eyeshadow and do the bottom part of your eyelid.

    Then apply MAC'S black Tied eyeshadow. Apply in the uppercorner of your outer eyelid in circle-like motions.

    Watch the video! Its really good! It gives you alot of tips!

    It would be a cool idea to replace to black and purple colors with a lighter shades so you don't look to s**t-like.

    If you do add eyeliner, add black and add only a small amount. I may mention brands, but any brand will do.

    Your fine w/o mascara, but you could always use some! Stroke your top eyelash once or twice with a mascara brush and then your done!

    Moving onto you skin.

    Your kinda pale so add some bronzer, Covergirl bronzer is the best but anything will do. Make sure to get corners and stuff, to use a small brush when applying bronzer. The bronzer should be two or three skin shades darker than your natual color.

    You really don't need any coverup so your fine with that.

    And use some foundation too.

    When you apply blush (red blush would look best on you) make sure to go up and down your cheekbone. Don't apply too much. Light amount. Subsitute for blush could be lip stick. Take red lipstick and draw a light line from the top of you cheekbone to the bottom. Then smear it all in.

    For your lips, don't spend too much time on them. They don't need much. Simply apply some clear jell lip gloss for a shine. It will look good on you.

    You could also use contacts. But glasses are good too.

    Doing these things to your face will atract attention to your makeup and face area and away from you eyebrows.

    Ask your mom for help if you have a hard time applying makeup and stuff.

    For clothes, I thought you would look good in this stuff:



    I tried to stay cheap, no one likes spending alot of money!

    Btw: I love your purple tips at the end of your hair! Its cute!

  11. ok might  suggest the smoky eye look oh and try getting contacts and straightening ur hair other then that ur great have fun!!!!!! and good luck

  12. try gold, tans, & creme shadows.

    you could also try straightening your hair or loose curls. :}



  14. I'm not sure about make up, its different for everyone. But if you really don't like your eyebrows try getting them waxed at a local hair salon. Make sure they know exactly what you want though or they might go overboard. That always makes your eyes stand out!

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