
I need a new nickname ?

by  |  earlier

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my name is katherine. im latina . i have brown hair . cutie andd i need a new nickname please help :)




  1. tommy the pickle

  2. gatalina

  3. KAT




  4. Cocoa Pebbles.

  5. bob the tomatoe.

  6. Whats your fav color because my fav is lime and i add the peel part

  7. Apparently you don't get how nicknames work.... other people make them up and they stick. True nicknames don't originate with the person they are attached to.  

    Of course if you're just picking a new internet handle then pick whatever you want. It would probably be better if it didn't accurately reflect your background since you will presumably be wanting to use the net anonymously to slander movies  and whatnot.

    how about "thehottieformerlyknownaskatythelatina"

    too long?

    um.... KTcaliente?

  8. Royalty?

  9. Kate is used for Katherine.Katie is an alternative.Some have even called themselves Kiki.

    Why did you post this under Royalty? This question isn't about the MONARCHY past or present.Perhaps that is why you did not get some good reponses from other posters.

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