
I need a nice way to let my best friend down.....?

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ok so i've been friends with my best friend for almost two years and i love her to death. we've been through so much together and it's basically like we're sisters. well we've been planning on moving into an apartment together for a while now. and when this plan first started we were both very single, very unattached to anyone at all, and were both in major party mode. our plans were to move out and just have fun! have friends over to drink, stay out however late we wanted to, and just party. but that isn't really what i want anymore. i've been talking to my boyfriend for over a year and now that we're together everything just keeps getting better and better for us. we totally love each other and we both want the same things. he wants to move into an apartment sometime next summer and he wants me to move in with him. and the crazy thing is that i really really want to live with him too! and the more i think about it the more i know that living with him will be better for me than living with my best friend. i'm honestly ready to settle down with my boyfriend and my best friend is still single and kind of in party mode. i really don't want to move in with her for a few months and then move back out to live with my boyfriend so i think it's best if i just tell her that maybe she should try to find a place on her own. but i don't know how to tell her. i really dont want her to be mad at me and i want her to understand that i want to start a life with my boyfriend. please help!! what would you tell your best friends in this situation???




  1. Honestly I'd wait it out with your bf for a bit.  Yeah things are great blah blah blah, but what happens when you p**s your friend off, then your bf dumps you.  Now you have burned your bridges.  Live with your friend for awhile.  Then if you are truly ready, and I mean ring on the finger wedding date planned ready, then move in with your bf.  But before you go, try to find a compatible mutual friend to live with your friend.  

  2. Well, it's definitely going to be hard telling her you'd rather move in with your boyfriend then move in with her, that's for sure. But she is your best friend and despite how angry she might get in the beginning eventually she will get over it. Just sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that you'd love to move in with her but it just seems more appropriate to move in with your boyfriend since she will be having late night parties and you're just really not that into that anymore. She will probably get upset and angry at first, it's only normal but as things cool off she will see things from your point of view. Just make sure that she understands she is still your best friend and that you still love her.

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