
I need a non alcoholic Mead recipe..Help?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting married next year and I wanted to have a drink that would celebrate mine and my soon to be hubby's haritage and I found tuns of recipes for Mead but none on how to make it non alcoholic being neither one of us drink it is a BIG issue...if anyone can help it would be great!




  1. Mead is basically fermented honey....

    I guess you could make it and not let it ferment.

    However, I would suggest sparkling juice spritzers, you can do them up in all kinds of color/flavor combinations.

    Sorry I Couldnt be of more help -  but congrats to ya

  2. I have just googled these

    However i have just found this site and it suggests making your own barley water as an alternative

    hope they are of use

  3. congratulations! i think its great youre getting into your heritage with your wedding.

    heres a recipe i came across:

    soft mead

    4 cups spring water

    1 cup honey

    1/2 tsp. nutmeg

    1/2 tsp. ginger

    1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

    1 lemon, sliced

    1 orange, sliced

    Bring the water, honey, nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon to a boil in a non-metallic pan (like a glass/pyrex pot or stonewear). Stir until honey is dissolved; heaviness should disappear from bottom of the pan. Use wooden spoon to skim off skin that forms at top of brew. Add lemon and orange slices, squeezing as they are placed in the pan. Cool completely; strain. Store in bottle in refrigerator.

    make sure to keep it refrigerated. while honey doesnt go bad, the juices from the lemons and oranges will.


  4. What is mead anyway?

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