
I need a nonscientific estimate...?

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based on life experience!

How long would you say the AVERAGE couple in their 20's date before getting engaged? Like I said estimate based on the people you know.





  1. Ive seen my friends date and live with eachother for 3 years before getting engaged but me on the other hand..... I met my husband and 3 months later we were married. Two years after we got married we had kids and now weve been married 6 years.  So, really theres no set amount of time to date.  Its how you feel about eachother.

  2. I don't know the average...but if it helps I dated my soon to be ex for 1 1/2 years before getting engaged. Then we were engaged for about 6 months and got married.

  3. Usually 6 months to a year for being engaged.

  4. i would say 6 months to a year  

  5. Near a year.

  6. it's about 3 yrs .

  7. I've known people who take 3 weeks, others 1 year, sme 7-8 years! there's no "estimate" really!

  8. At least 2 years.

  9. 2 yrs.... about... my estimation

    Most of my friends dated for a while 3 + years. However, my brother did it in 3 months.... poor soul is still paying for that mistake!

  10. Actually - your methodology is called an "oracle survey" and is a scientific method - provided enough people participate.

  11. i'd say 1-2 years anything after that your wasting your time, and i'm not talking moving in with them  

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