
I need a pell grant! how can i get one at 19 if my parent's income is too high?

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I am a nineteen year old college student. I have been attending a community college for 2 years on a scholarship and i haven't needed any money until now! My parent's make too much money for me to recieve federal financial aid. The thing is I live on my own, I have a job and support myself. My parents do not support me at all and they will not pay for my school. I don't meet any of the exceptions: i'm not married, nor do i have kids, nor am i a veteran, etc. Is there anything I can do to make myself elegible? Someone said something to me about emanciaption, but i'm already an adult so that wouldn't make sense! Any ideas?




  1. Well I would try to get another scholarship but if you cant I would just apply for a student dont have to repay until usually 6 months after you graduate from college. You cant get a pell grant because the government uses your parents income as a factor until you are the age of 25 is what I remember! I hope everything works out!

  2. Try applying for a another scholarship. There are many available, you just have to apply and hope you get one. Talk to student services or financial aid at your college. The only way you could get F.A. is to get married, at least to my knowledge.

  3. unfortunately, nothing you can do. that is how the FAFSA and federal financial aid works.   you are right about the emancipation, you are already an adult that is a mute point.

  4. There is nothing you can do. Just have babies, get married or go into the army.  It stinks but it's reality.

    On the flip side, there should be state grants and grants within your financial aid department.  I also attend a community college.  Specifically, Ivy Tech.  I would go to your financial aid department and discuss your options with the advisor specializing in that area.  

    Also you can google your state + financial aid options.  You could also go to your college website and look within their financial aid information online.  Normally financial aid options are posted there, as well.

    Have you ever considered a student loan?  These will have to be paid back but are a good way to get fast assistance!

  5. Check with your school's financial aid office - there are times when you can be considered independent, but it doesn't have anything to do with whether your parents are paying for your living expenses, or whether they clim you on your taxes.

    The links below have more info, but it looks like it's pretty difficult to do. However, the financial aid office will know more, and they'll know of other scholarships and aid packages that you can apply for.

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