So this week I fell off my horse for the first time. A few days ago I went riding with a friend that also has a horse stabled at the same barn. She is very experienced and has been riding for over 20 years. I am a beginner, I've only been consistently riding for the past year. I bought a 7 yr old Paint mare. Anyway - when we went riding as soon as I got on my horse something felt off. I was feeling nervous and uneasy for some reason because she just wasn't acting right, was throwing her head around and pretty much not doing anything I wanted her to do. I got off and checked the saddle (western) to see if something wasn't right but couldn't find anything. I got back on and she still seemed really irritated. Then all of a sudden she reared twice. I held on the first time she went up but I jumped/fell when she started going a second time. I know she was not ridden on a regular basis when I bought her but I've been riding her 1-2 times a week for the last 2-3 months and have not really had any problems. I know only of 1 other time someone fell off her and that was b/c she bucked. This was my first fall. I kind of hurt my hand on the fall so I had the other rider get on her for a minute and she rode her and said she wasn't acting weird for her. Needless to say, I'm a little apprehensive about getting back on her. But that's the weird part. It's only her. I don't feel nervous about riding any of the other horses at the barn. What are some possible reasons she might have reared? And I know I have to get back on her to get over the fear of falling again, but how do I get passed the hardest part of just getting back on? I was thinking of saddling her up and having someone walk us around the pasture with a lead rope for a little while next time.