
I need a play idea, play should be 20 - 25 minutes, geared toward a family audience?

by  |  earlier

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- One im going to write , just need an idea!!!




  1. The Bible in 30 minutes or less is pretty good.

  2. You could do a play that is like a rendition of the High School Musical, or you could do a bible story like david and goliath or any others. Or you know what, you could make up your on play about like how to act in different situations, like if one kid sees another kid being bullied the narrorator would say: the right thing to do and so on and so forth....

  3. comedy about something stupidly funny!


    two people who like each other but just don't know how to tell the them hoe they feel. That would be cute. Family cute! A LOVE STORY!

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