
I need a professional logo for my business: Are there any cheap or free resources out there that can help?

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I'm looking to start a personal training business. Am experimenting with using my initials and a barbell or some combination.

Any place I can go online to help get one done professionally?




  1. Yes here isa great one to do your logo for you. It is a contest.

    Look at it!!


  2. To get this done "professionaly," means that you have to pay a pro to do it right, at that is definetly not cheap.

    And, if you expect a good job, which is worth several hundred dollars, to be done for free, you may as well ask a sporting goods store to GIVE you your gym clothes for free.  You may as well ask the gas station on the corner to fill up your tank for free.  You may as well as the barber to trim your hair for free.  You may as well ask the printer to give you your business cards for free.  Your phone bills?  Your heating and electric bills?  Your rent or mortgage?

    A logo and other advertising materials are a part of doing business and these are normal costs incurred with ANY business.  Graphic designers have bills and other expenses too.  Unless you can work out a barter deal with one, you won't find any pros that will just "give" you their services.  If you are not ready to meet, even the most basic expenses of doing buisiness, then, perhaps you are not ready to run a business of your own.

    Still, if you insist on TRYING to get decent quality services for a minimal cost, I suggest you try contacting a design student at a local college or university.  By the time they are in college, most designers have been introduced to a lot of design principals and can do a much better job than a younger, or other, rank amateur.  They need the "real life" practice, and they would be willing to work on the cheap, since they probably need the money.  Post a notice on a college bulletin board, or put a small ad in he college newspaper.

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