
I need a psychic reading.?

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I'm a psychic myself so please no naysayers. I don't want to hear negitivity on this question.

I need to know if I'm coming into money in the near future and maybe about my love life.

It's hard to read yourself, so of course I tried and made myself more confused.

Please don't try unless you've been doing this for a while. Thanks.




  1. Wouldn't it be better to ask someone to do a reading..but not tell them what you want to know about? Seems like now they can just say yes or no. If you hadn't mentioned it..they might have brought up money themselves. Be careful...a psychic told me I'd be "rich and famous". Guess what..I'm just the opposite!! lol

  2. I neither believe or dis-believe. However in you case I do NOT believe that you personally are a sooth-sayer.  You would not need to ask if you had that ability.  I also believe that if there are true psychics they would NEVER reveal themselves.  They would be able to predict the lotto and would have no need to ask for money.  Do not give me the feeble excuses that you are prevented from doing that or whatever other excuse you may have.  The only person I have heard of who I believe was a psychic (at least in recent history), was Edgar Cayce.  Pretty hard, in fact its not possible to discount him.

  3. I would be glad to do a reading for  you.

  4. If you're willing to send me a picture (so I can see your eyes) I'm willing to give it a try. I only say try because I'm mostly an empath, though Im also clairvoyant and clairaudient, I'll be able to pick you up and the things around you rather easily, so the love life I can probably do, but the future is sketchy. With the future I either get things or I don't.

    As for doing this for a while... I've been spiritually aware for only about 5 years, but I've been an empath all my life. I work with angels and I'm a channeler. I'll leave it up to you as to whether or not I qualify for having done this a while. I have faith in my abilities, reading pictures is something that's rather easy for me. But let's face it... you know as well as do that sometimes things just don't come to you. There's a whole range of reasons from being tired to simply being told that you're not allowed to see.

    either way, peace to you. If you're interested and willing to send me a picture, email me and I'll give you my email address.

  5. I am a very experienced psychic.

    you are going to be come a jew.  therefore you will steal peoples money. you will have "contact" with money but tahts as much atcion as your going to be getting!!ohh and my crystal ball says you should  go for illegal immagrants. theyll drive your kosher side wild. also your not a book so stop trying to read yourself.

  6. In the next eight months you will have a surprise. You will look someone in the eyes and see their soul. That is the person that will lead you to find yourself. Don't think too hard or try too hard to make it happen. You will know it when it hits you like a ton of bricks.

    Money is not there in the amount you are hoping for. It is adequate and do not be greedy or selfish with it. This is the key to get what you want. Give to a homeless veteran once in the amount of 9 dollars. In three weeks after doing so, go ask him a question about himself. His answer may not seem to have anything to do with you but when you write about it in a journal, you will see the way to rewards beyond what you hope for. Have regards for the validity of his story. Ask him the unit numbers in which he served. Don't let him contact you. Only contact him when the opportunity arises. The unit numbers will have a couple of digits to an address not complete. I am fading...Something about the numbers....I lost it...Okay recap; A chance meeting, eye contact, small but significant money, charity, wisdom, journal, very careful not to be fooled by a liar trying to beg....I cannot do any more. I need to see your eyes to do any more. a photograph will be sufficient...i know this...

  7. Hello

    Have a look at my profile ~ join site if you wish.


  8. If you're psychic, why don't you just ask yourself the questions?

    Here's my reading:

    Are you coming into money?  Yes, if you stop believing in psychics and come back into reality, I predict you will assimilate back into normal human society, get a real job, and make money.

    Love life?  Yes, if you stop believing in psychics and come back into reality, I predict you will assimilate back into normal human society, stop appearing to be a freak, no longer scare away potential mates with your ridiculous beliefs, and you will get laid.

  9. I can tell that you will be coming into pillow cases in the near future.  

    But don't worry!  Chicks dig mystics!

  10. I think any reading you get, as with all psychic readings, horoscopes, etc. will be vague/non-specific/general and cautiously positive.  This is because predictions of the future are just wishful guesses.

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