
I need a psychic to direct me. I have misplaced a very valuable item and need help finding it!?

by  |  earlier

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I have misplaced my diamond ring. It has great sentimental value and I have looked everywhere I can think of. I would really appreciate any help in locating it. Psychics only please, no wisecrackers!




  1. Under the bed in the headboard area. Look under things there.

  2. look around that big dark wooded thing.. it might be a dresser or something. it has draws. you'll have to bend down to get it. and stop worrying its not gone forever. just're gonna find it

  3. I really don't think there are psychics.  No one has ever been able to prove that one...

  4. Well, this is the 7th time you asked this question over the last month. And evidently, no one was able to help.

    Seems to me your ring is not the only thing you have misplaced; your faith in psychic is also misplaced.

    Sorry for your loss, but perhaps you should gain something from it: a critical sense. Psychics are either frauds or delusional; none can help you.

  5. you know that place your sure you left it and have check like 10 time already?  it's there just take your time and look around that are, it's near a mirror.  I'm right you'll see.

  6. my senses tell me that a diamond ring just like yours is at zales the diamond store

  7. I see big wood shaped into a frame: like a raised garden bed

  8. If it's a diamond, I imagine it has more than sentimental value.  But I'm sorry to tell you that any 'psychic' would be a 'wisecracker' as well, since they don't exist.  Don't waste your time or money on them - start retracing your steps.

  9. Did you leave it at a public bathroom? Look under your appliances.

  10. I just stumbled upon your question.  I also stumbled upon a comment that there is no such thing as a psychic.  I disagree.  I am a documented psychic.  My main expertise is in the area of psychic intuition.  All psychics are going to be stronger in certain areas than other psychic areas.  You will also find many psychics who are either a hoax, or who have occassional abilities.  Believe it, or not, there is actually a strong connection to psychic ability and astrology.  As the heavenly bodies do their "heavenly tango," different energys are felt through the changing aspects.  It also has a lot to do with your natal chart.  I really wish that I could help you find your diamond ring, but that really isn't what I do with frequency.  If I did, as much as I respect marriage and know how important a wedding ring is, I would use those abilities to find missing children.  There are those out there who are able to do so on a regular basis and with amazing accuracy.  I hope that one such person is able to assist you.    

  11. If it was that important to you, you would have been less careless with it. It is funny though that rather than retrace your steps and recall what it was that was so important that you just had to take it off in the first place, you seek the ideas from hocus pocus. No one has ever been a "documented psychic" in any reputable publication.

    I am sorry, but they do not exist. I have said this a couple times here that if there was, they would be instant millionares. Funny thing is that these so called psychics claim they have no use for money and do not do it for money. However, when I point out to them that there are many charities that could do with your donations from royalties (as there would be book deals, magazine deals, all sorts of media deals...) recieved. Not mention the million dollard that could be instantly granted to people who can indeed confirm such "documented psychic" claims are true.  

  12. Psychics don't exist.  Sorry you'll never see your ring again.

  13. check your vacuum cleaner bag. or the drain pipe S trap under the sink?

  14. Look were you had it last.  There it will be....

  15. For some reason I feel like it's in a bathroom.

    Do you take your ring off only when you shower or wash your hands?

    Look along the cabinets

    Behind things on the counter

    I really think you took it off washing your hands and something distracted you

    like a phone ringing? someone knocking

    If there is a soap dish or a toothbrush holder look closely around there.

    I'm pretty sure its not near the toilet, and I don't think it went down the drain.

    I wish you the best!



  16. I had a feeling it was a ring before I opened the question - but most are aren't they.

    I can only guess.

    Did it have  pronounced edges - like gold wires on both sides?

    Can you look in the plant pots in the bathroom - between inner and outer pot and on the soil. Something about spiky plants , pots and soil.

    Done any gardening? - Gardening Gloves.

    I think your Avatar is like you, but you have shorter hair - sort of chopped, but the colour is spot on.

    Am I close?

  17. Tracy, I was sent here by Hermes, as I helped him with a problem. I am NOT a psychic, but a man who has found a lot of things, because I am an "out of the box thinker." If you would like my help, please send me an email, and I will do what I can to help you.



  18. after reading the question, i got an overwhelming feeling that said ring is in an office it your drawer  or your place of works lost property, i cant be sure.

  19. Did you look in the kitchen, near your sink?  Also, have you looked in the bedroom in your jewelry box, not is the area you generally keep it?

  20. Us Yahoo! Answers people can't help you on this.

    We can only list places to look but we are just listing.

    Under the sofa, etc.

    You'll have to look for yourself.  That's the only way.  Just remain calm and search when relaxed, don't get stressed or else you'll give up fast.

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