
I need a psychics help!?

by  |  earlier

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I need help on what I should do with my life. I've left school, I don't know if I should go and study something or just let it go for a while. I really need help in what career i should choose, i have no idea.




  1. pick the career you like.

  2. w-o-w

  3. nobody knows what your interest is.. except yourself .. go for it and just do it..!

  4. go BACK to school, not just any school, maybe a community college. Study, go to regular college, and prepare for your life ahead. You don't want to be living as a hobo.

    p.s. i'm no psyhcic, just smart. :-)

  5. go back to school it.  you don't need a psyhic to know that

  6. You do not need a psychic. You can do this. Breath. Think this through.

    Is it that you really don't want to study, but you think you should. Then don't do it. Get a job directly, see a career expert. If you change your mind later, that's OK too.

    Do you think you want to study, but just not know? Listen to that, take some time out to decide.

    Do you want to study but think you can't afford it? That's OK too, look into loans and scholarships, work during your education, or take a couple of years out to raise money.

    Or none of the above. The point is, you can sort this out yourself, leaning on people who love you for support.

    You don't need a psychic.

  7. Well, I am getting a feeling you really like rock music, but I would suggest that you tone yourself down a bit. You will end up meeting a wanna be rock punk jerk and get hurt badly. I think you should take some psychology classes in a community college. I see great potential :)

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