
I need a quality solution to keeping neighbors dogs off my property?

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I live in a HOA development, people with dogs are required to fence their yards. My neighbors are all home owners and have the same neighborly respect as I do. 75% of the HOA has dogs, they are a huge part of our community which consist of young families and a few retirees. Recently the house next door sold and the new owners let their dogs run free. These dogs bark/chase my family and friends in my yard and have even chased my company into my home. I have spoken with the neighbors and they are apologetic..but that is it, no change in behavior. I enjoy having great relationships with the people in my neighborhood so I don't want to "turn them in" and live next door to people that are no longer extremely rude but now enraged. I am looking for a win-win situation, which I feel at this point is to spray the perimeter of my yard with a sticky (it rains a lot here) cayenne pepper, pepper oil (?) HELP




  1. I think you have been quite patient with your new neighbors learning curve and its time to step up this lack of understanding on their parts. The next time they let their pups run loose, simply go straight over to their house and ask them to bring the dogs under control, or call them directly.  Explain to them you have been patient and you understand that they think Fifi is cute and cuddly, but your company does not and is ready to call the police, which you would prefer not to happen, since they are such nice neighbors.  Then you call the HOA and make a complaint, sign your name Ima Tiered and be done with it.  I have no sympathy for those who think its cute to let their dogs run loose in other peoples yards, no matter how nice or sweet they are, they are endangering, not only the safety and comfort of you, but your company, other children in the neighborhood and the dogs themselves may be just from someone who may shoot them for fear of them hurting their children, or run over running the streets.  Its nice to be nice, but what they are doing is not nice at all, they have been asked politely by you several times and have continued in this outrageous behavior.  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  2. Even tho you've talked to them and they are apologitic you obviously didn't get your point across.  I would try talking to them again, explain the issues you've had and why the dogs behavior is not ok with you.  Explain to them that you dont' want to be one of "those" neighbors but you wanted them to know your concerns because if the situation were reversed you'd CETAINLY want them to tell you.  Chances are, they'll hear you this time and do the right thing.  If that doesn't happen, you can have the HOA send them a letter...they'll know where it came from but they wont' be able to say much about it because you'll have already talked to them twice about it.

  3. I'd do the pepper thing and then I would complain to them again, saying that you're fearful of the dogs and might have to resort to defending yourself and your guests.

    We had a similar situation and the beagle in question got a butt full of rock salt (not by me, but a neighbor on the other side).  The dog was kept in.

  4. I would maybe bring up in casual conversation if they've decided  "what type of fence" they are going to put up because "you know these home owner's associations are so strict, you have to be sure to put up one they'll be happy with"

    And if they say "what?" or "We aren't going to put one up" then you can remind them about the rule.

    If they say "oh, we dont need one of those" you can point out how it's actually in their best interest and their dog's best interest.

  5. keep a simple air gun...but u'll be hurting the dog one or two times but its effective cos u always hit it from a distance wer even the dog cant c u..

  6. Call the Police next time those wild animals are out of leash.

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