
I need a quick, effective alibi or excuse?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I joined this university-wide organization, and they just reminded me NOW, at this moment, that there would be a meeting tomorrow noon.

I do not want to go because 1.) I don't have classes tomorrow 2.) who would spend two hours to go to school on a bus just to attend a 30-minute meeting? 3.) I AM EXTREMELY BUSY RIGHT NOW

I need a CLEVER excuse!




  1. i rekon u should go with "I have a family emergency" or sumthing to do with family

  2. tell them you have an important appointment with the doctor or dentist or tell them you went out for the day to visit your family since you didn't have classes

  3. "I am unable to attend due to the short notice and a previous engagement that cannot be postponed"  I have used this many times (often it is true) and there is no way they could question it.

  4. If you don't think this organization is worthy of your valuable time, maybe now would be a good time to resign and find an organization that is more appreciative of your time and effort.

    Since they did REMIND you of the meeting, apparently you had prior knowledge of the meeting. Maybe this organization should appoint someone to keep you informed so they can utilize your special skills and valuable time.

  5. you need MORE TIME for PRIOR notice. say youre a busy person on a tight schedule and you book ALL your activities ahead of time.

  6. Be honest and sincere when you tell them that their lack of planning sucks.

  7. A clever person, capable of making up their own clever excuse (rather than asking for help in making one up) would have either; not made the commitment, or diarised more effectively.

    This is a lesson about manage your time properly. Arrange to use your time at Universirty tomorrow before and after the meeting intelligently.

    Deliver on your promises, or people will think you are unreliable. Obviously by asking this question, you demonstrate that you are unreliable and idle, but you need to preserve the illusion that you are not for as long as possible.

  8. You do not need an excuse. This is not grade school where you have to provide a legitimate reason for skipping class.

    Just don't go. If someone asks, just say you weren't able to make it. End of story.

  9. You already have an appointment that cannot be changed, sorry, you'll make it next time if they could possibly give you more notice.  I wouldn't go in on my day off for 30 mins, that's insane woman, there's better things a girl can do on her day off, I can think of a Bubble bath, shopping, friends, lunch, you don't need a clever excuse, you just think you do.

  10. tell them you have an extremely hard homework that needs more than using your internet :)

  11. Actually, you don't need an excuse at all.  Be honest.  Tell them that their 30-minute meeting would require you to spend 2 hours on a bus, on the one day of the week that you don't have to be on campus.

    In my experience, most campus organizations try to keep the same meeting day and time throughout a school year.  If this organization plans to always have their meetings on Tuesdays at noon, and you never are on campus on Tuesdays at noon, you may have to rethink whether or not you want to be a part of that organization.

    But unless you tell them that you can't come to campus on your day off, they won't have any reason to even think about changing their meeting days.

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