
I need a quote about the relationship between a creator and its creation?

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its for my introduction to an essay on Frankenstein and Pygmalion

Thank you!




  1. "God has put something noble and good into every heart which His hand created." -- Mark Twain

    "God was satisfied with his own work, and that is fatal." -- Samuel Butler

    "Every production must resemble its author." -- Cervantes

    "Man, like Deity, creates in his own image." -- Elbert Hubbard

    "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." -- Nietzsche

  2. Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH

    Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH

    Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH

    Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH

    Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH

    Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH

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