
I need a quote for myspace?

by  |  earlier

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i need a quote for myspace that is somethine about someone that you thought was your friend, but now they've turned out to be someone else and theyre not your friend.





  1. i got a good song for that type of thing. its called "far behind" by social distortion, check it out if you like rock music.

    you could use the first verse of the song. or a single line if you see any that you like.

    "with friends like you who needs enemies?

    you aint right you aint ever gonna be

    get out of the car im affraid youve been declined

    shaking my hand while your peeing (edited for y/a) on my leg

    im cutting you loose i dont need this misery

    your soul is toxic you aint no friend of mine."

  2. with friends like you..

    who needs enemies!

  3. "some say that time changes, best friends can..become strangers"

  4. "With a friend like you, who needs enemies..."

    "Mistrust is your only defense against betrayal."

  5. Come! Look at this! SOOO AWESOME!

  6. its not about who youve known the longest its about who came and NEVER left

    Friends will leave you if thats what the crowd does but best friends will be right by your side

    Whoever said i needed you anyway

    FAKE friends are like leaves found everywhere REAL friends are like dimonds beautiful and rare

    you were the one i could count on

    the one to always be there

    it meant the world to me

    but you didn't even care

    a friend is someone who believes in you when no one else does

    little by little

    you drifted away

    you got what you wanted from me

    and you went away

    take off your mask and show your true colours

  7. its kinda long

    FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food.

    REAL FRIENDS: is the reason you have no food.

    FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr / Mrs

    REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM

    FAKE FRIENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong

    REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you saying 'Dawg ... we screwed up... but that was fun!'

    FAKE FRIENDS: Call to tell you after school to say they can't come hang out

    REAL FRIENDS: Will hunt you down just to let you know

    FAKE FRIENDS: Never seen you cry

    REAL FRIENDS: Cry with you

    FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back

    REAL FRIENDS: keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours

    FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you

    REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you

    FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing

    REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd's butt that left you

    FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door

    REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say 'I'M HOME!'

    FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile

    REAL FRIENDS: Are for life.

  8. Work hard, play hard


  9. the quote is...... "wow what a loser he/she is!!!!"

  10. "I don't worry about the friends from my PaSt, there is a reason they didn't make it to my FuTuRe..."

    "Some people are like bad books: The cover looks so pretty and inviting, but when you look inside there is nothing but garbage."

  11. "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else."

  12. I said i love you but I lied.

    Click on the site then click cancel on the zango thing and then read the very first picture. I like it its really good for what you want.

  13. **** you *****

  14. Take out the picture, it's collecting dust.

    Throw out the frame, it's starting to rust.

    Whatever happened to "best friends forever"?

  15. not the person i thought u where?

    -or or or-

    just a stranger

    -or or or-

    nvm thats all i have

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