
I need a really easy make up routine!

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Hi! I really want a simple make up routine for my busy mornings! I have to go to school about 6:35 in the morning for 0 period PE. I want to try to change my image a bit. Last year I tried, but I couldn't get it together and it always came across as I don't care. This year I've got a quick routine for my hair that looks way better than my sloppy pony tail, but I need like a, 3 minute make up plan! I'll use any thing and I allready use BareMinerals every day to try to help my skin, but I really want to open up my eyes!

I have blue eyes and blonde hair, but I ABSOLUTLY hate blue eye shaddow, and neutral tones! I love color, but want to make my eyes blue. Eye liner seems to make my look TINY and S****y, but maybe I'm not doing it right...

Thanks a lot!




  1. try using a purple eye shadow as you might already know purple compliments any eye color! also try using eye liner on your lower lid and let it run from the inner part of your eye half way through. make sure it a thin line.  

  2. Try blak eye liner and mascara. Only apply the eye liner from about halfway of ur eye to the end (the ear side). This dsnt make ur eyes look so tiny. And if you can do the top of ur lid aswel. But again only half! Or go to the library and get out sum books! Try learn how to do smoky eyes. That looks realy awsum with blue eyes and blonde hair!

  3. What you need is a good black mascara, a thin angular brush, a solid brown shadow, and then some bright teal, pink, emerald, etc. shadows.

    First, you just dust the brown on your top lash line and a tiny tiny bit on your bottom lash line.

    Next, apply the brighter color to the rest of your top lid, and then apply a thin layer overlapping the brown and gently pat it in, blending it together.

    Finally, apply the mascara sparingly, just so your lashes are visible and not clumpy, and you're good to go.

  4. use a shimmery cream colored eyeshadow on your brow bone and inner eye'll make your eyes pop!

  5. I'm also blonde with blue eyes... last year I got an amazing makeup routine down , i first do my concealer(45 seconds) , which just goes underneath your eyes like football players, rub that in... then put on powder foundation(30 seconds)... then i have this glittery eye shimmer stuff that i put on... its like a gel thing in a stick that i just twist up...idk what its called...(30 seconds) and then I lightly do some black eyeliner on the inside of my bottom eyelid(45 seconds)... then a quick swab of lipgloss ,and then I put on my mascara and done ! It tends to take 3-4 minutes , but leaves everything looking amazing... here's a picture of me , and my makeup -

  6. i put mascara on to make my lashes look longer and then i use brown liner, and light pink eye shadow.

  7. i have blue eyes, and blonde hair too, and i think i have a good routine !

    first, when you wake up take a shower. then, you can eat breakfast while doing your make up and brushing your hair.

    for your hair, just blowdry your bangs and put the rest of your wet hair in a bun, so when it dries it looks nice and wavy.

    for your makeup, i have a mac studio tech compact powder, its really easy to put on, great coverage, and fast if your in a hurry.

    if you like colors to make your eyes pop, go for golds, or shimmer-y whites, then put a liquid eyeliner on top to seal it. then use mascara on only the top lashes. it makes your eyes pop, and it looks like your not wearing that much make up!

    when your done, get dresses and your ready to go!

    hope this helped :)

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