
I need a really good excuse! Please Help!?

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I was suppose to go with my Dad to a kiddie park with my 3 year old brother (we don't live together)but i really didn't want to go so when he got to my house i just left him out there until he gave up i feel really bad because he really wanted to see me. Please help me make an excuse




  1. tell him that you were in the shower and you didn't hear him knocking at the door

    or that your cell phone rang and whoever called you wouldn't let you hang up the phone and by the time you got to the door he was already gone.

  2. omg, that is SOOO mean!!!! your little brother looks up to you like you are an amazing not answering the door is like finding out that your favorite song of all time was written about a tuna sandwich. i know, its from a movie, but ITS SO TRUE! DONT MAKE UP AN EXCUSE! go apologize to your little brother! that was really unkind of you! the poor kid! you ALSO owe your dad an apology..him, seeing that you didnt answer the door is like SHOWING him that you are not responsible! go apologize to them both, and ask your dad if you can take your little bro to the park. that should make it better

  3. that's kinda shallow it's mean to your dad it's mean to your poor little bro who just wanted to see you ....i'm sorry but what is your problem?? it would not of killed you to go with your brother and dad to a kiddie park ....instead of making an accuse i think you need to make new plans with them right away.

  4. that's SO messed up. you're going to hellll.

    just say you didn't feel well at all.


    i mean just tell the truth!!

  6. thats really wrong...your lil brother probably looks up to you and come on man he is only know how upset and sad you can make a 3 yr. old by doing this.  

  7. That's a sin! Why would you do that?

  8. :o

    I know how you feel... Same as me every time I over react a bit too my mum, I'm so mad at myself and stuff.

    Arrange another day! :D And give him box of chocolates and a hug, believe me it will feel good.

    I always buy my mum a red rose when I feel sorry, and hug her, it really helps.

  9. Tricky one.

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