
I need a really good excuse not to go to my work party?

by  |  earlier

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my managers and supervisors at workhave invited me to a party, and only a selected few have been invited, so its supposed to be really prestigous. and i really do not want to go. please i need a really good excuse that wont offended them that i cannot atend and at the same time a reason that won't make it seem that i am trying to avoid them.

thanks guys!!




  1. You could pretend you really want to go and then on the night call up and say you're violently ill (they won't ask questions ) :-)

  2. Your cat died!! :(

    Try this...

    It's a 'sick not generator' but will work just the same for you to find a reason not to go to the works party.

  3. I agree with Izzy.

  4. I have found nothing short of the true flu is a good excuse.  I usually force myself to go.  I stay just long enough to be seen, stay for dinner, if that is the main event.  Say my goodbyes  and leave.  Sometimes I even stay because I start to enjoy myself.

  5. Say you've already made plans thats it.  

  6. Tell them you can't because it's "That Time" So you'll be all pissy. Or just say you have something else to go to.

  7. Just tell them that a family do or get together is on the same night(a sister's bday etc) and you have to go

  8. you have family issues that really need to be sorted out urgently

  9. If you want to get ahead, go.  Put in an appearance and then make a quick exit.

    If the job doesn't mean that much, tell them you have a family get together that you must attend.

  10. put in an appearence then get a friend to phone you with an 'emergency' so you have an excuse to leave straight away.

  11. say some one in your family or a close friend has been taken ill and u need to be there or say you have a family problem and dont want to talk about it

  12. Don't be afraid, going may increase your chances of promotion, showing willing and having more of a rapport with your bosses.

    If you still decide not to go be honest.  You can spot a lie from 100 yards away and even if the person you are lying to is too decent to call you a liar to your face, it will blot your future.

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