
I need a recipe for pasta sauce?

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I like to make my own pasta sauces, but they always end up tasting the same. Do you have any recipes for a good, cheap pasta sauce. I'm a vegan.




  1. 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

    half a small yellow onion, diced

    2 cloves of garlic, minced

    6-8 small roma tomatoes or 4-6 large red tomatoes

    1 small green bell pepper (optional)

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon black pepper

    1 teaspoon dried basil

    1/2 teaspoon dried oregano


    Sauté the onion and garlic in a saucepan. (Place the onions in the pan first, and add the garlic on top of the onion. This procedure will keep the garlic from burning.) Turn the heat to low or medium-low.

    While the onion and garlic are cooking, chop the tomatoes into cubes. An easy way to chop them is to slice them in half, then julienne the halves, and then chop the julienne slices into small cubes. Some people prefer large chunks while others prefer a very smooth texture close to purée. Either size works fine for this recipe and the cooking time does not need altering for large or small cubes.

    Place the tomatoes into the onion and garlic sauté and stir. Add the diced bell pepper (optional) and stir. Add the spices and stir again. Let simmer whilst preparing pasta. Stir occasionally, turning down the flame if it sticks.

    When the pasta is done, spoon the sauce onto the individual servings of pasta or mix with the entire batch, following your own custom.


    Tomatoes have a high acid content, so experts advise that tomato dishes be cooked in pans that do not have a non-stick coating.

    Serves three to four. A rule of thumb is to use two or three roma tomatoes per serving. Added bell pepper will increase the yield, of course.

    The sauce should be used within three or four days of preparing. It freezes OK but is much better fresh.

    When preparing this recipe and any other food you enjoy, please use organically-grown vegetables, fruits, grains, and flavorings. The Earth you save may be your own.

  2. Use veggie mince (you can buy some that is not Quorn/soya) chuck it in the old pan, let it brown, add a carton of passata, stir, add in a pinch of oregano, pinch of salt and pepper, mushrooms if you like and that's it! It's yummy!!

  3. Yes Here you go Its really good!

    Try this for a pesto sauce:

    1 cup of cooked broccoli

    1/2 cup of lemon juice



    Blend away and add water for consistency. It gives the pasta a tangy flavor

    that resembles pesto.

    Hope this helped!

  4. three tins chopped tomatoes

    3 cloves garlic

    3 teaspoons basil

    3 teaspoons oregano

    3 tablespoons tomato sauce

    pinch of sugar

    Thats what i do for mine, i heat all those ingredients up and let it simmer for ten minutes while i cook the pasta.  Then i just mix the sauce and pasta together sprinkle the top with cheddar and then put it under the grill until the cheese is golden.  It's very nice, i had it last night.  You can even add some red wine!!

    Ooops, vegan, sorry ok forget the

  5. It's a kinda a made up one that I make sometimes.

    1 finally chopped onion

    1 crushed clove of Garlic

    250 grams of mushroom sliced

    2 table spoons of flower

    Pint of vegetable stock

    Double cream oops forgot about double cream. Can you use that Elmlea stuff or another alternative to cream?

    Some pasta

    parsley or basil

    Fry onion and garlic until soft, then add mushrooms and fry for 3 minutes then add flower and mix in with the mushrooms and onions, then add stock and simmer for 10 minutes. Boil pasta in water. After 10 minutes add cream maybe about 5 table spoons, then add pasta and let the sauce cook down a bit, then season with parsley or basil and salt and pepper and serve.

  6. I'm not sure if this is vegan-approved, but here's the recipe I use:

    2 cans hunts tomato chunks, drained (reserve juice)

    1 can hunts tomato sauce

    1-2 tblsp olive oil

    2-3 cloves garlic

    mushrooms (however many you prefer)

    oregano and basil (fresh or dried)

    In sauce pan, heat oil and cook garlic for about 2 minutes.  Add drained tomatoes and mash slightly with a masher.  Cook about 1 more minute.  Add sauce; stir; season with oregano and basil (about 1/2 handful of each--don't be shy!)

    Cook mushrooms in a little olive oil, then add to the sauce.  You can also used canned mushrooms.  If the sauce is too thick, add a little bit of the reserved juice from the tomatoes to loosen it.

  7. Chop up some basil, olive oil, and pesto - i think pesto is vegan, add pine nuts, cherry tomatoes and spinach.

    mmmm not a sauce !!!

  8. here's a whole bunch.


  9. I don't think anything in this one is proscribed.


    Enough for pasta for 2


    2 cloves of garlic

    2 onions

    2 tablespoons of olive oil

    400g tin of plum tomatoes*

    2 teaspoons of basil or mixed herbs

    Ground pepper to taste


    Peel the garlic and chop it into tiny pieces. Peel the onions and chop them into tiny pieces.

    Put the oil into a frying pan on a medium heat. Add the garlic and onion. Fry the garlic and onion for about 2 minutes. Stir frequently to stop it sticking.

    Open the tin of tomatoes. Put the juice into the pan. Chop the tomatoes while they are still in the can (it’s easier than chasing them around the pan).

    Put the chopped tomatoes into the pan. Add the herbs. Continue to cook, stirring as the mixture boils. Season with the pepper. Continue to cook, stirring as the mixture boils, until the sauce has reduced.


    Add a glass of wine and cook for a bit longer.

    Add ¼ of a teaspoon of chilli powder to make it into an Arrabbiata sauce, which is usually served with penne pasta.


    Always “take the pasta to the sauce”. Put the cooked pasta in the pan with the sauce and stir together until thoroughly coated.

    * Plum tomatoes can be used either whole or chopped. It is difficult to stick chopped tomatoes back together again if you need to use them whole.

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