
I need a recipe with no meat or milk?

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One of my friends is a vegitarian and the other is alergic to milk and another can't stand eggs. Does anybody know of a good LUNCH recipe for about 8 people with these ingredients not included?




  1. How about a PB & J

  2. try this recipe but with an egg substitute... and the grilled portobello mushrooms like the first person said would be good too... grilled portobellos are faaaaabulous!

  3. Try making stir-fry with what ever vegetables that you and them like. Add good spices and some soy sauce. Get some good rice and pile the veggies on top. Great :]

  4. rub 2 carrots together really, really fast and you will have smoked carrots, then lay them on a bed of lettuce and cover them up, then you will have carrots in a blanket


  6. grilled portobello mushrooms with a romaine salad with homemade vinaigrette.  delicious and meat/egg/milk free


    im addicted to her recipes..and im not even vegitarian =)

  8. for easy and free recipes go here:

    there are lots of options and you can find what you both will like. - you can search for recipes with out milk and eggs.

  9. Tuna salad

    have a nice day :)

  10. macaroni cheese made vagean style! I bet no one can tell the difference and its very tasty

    Vegan macaroni and cheese

    You will need to have three pots bubbling away on the top of the stove

    First pot: Pasta

    2 cups uncooked macaroni


    Bring water to a boil.

    Add pasta.

    Cook until done.


    Second pot: White sauce

    1/4 cup vegan margarine

    1/4 cup flour

    1/2 tsp salt

    2 cups vegan soydrink

    Combine margarine, flour, and salt over low heat.

    When it bubbles, gradually add the soydrink.

    Cook and stir until it is thick and begins to bubble.

    Remove from heat and add the "cheese" from the third pot.

    Third pot: "Cheese"

    1/4 cup "good tasting" nutritional yeast

    1/4 cup cornstarch

    1 Tbsp flour

    1/2 tsp salt

    1 cup water

    2 Tbsp oil

    1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

    Mix nutritional yeast, cornstarch, flour, and salt in a small saucepan.

    Add water, oil, and mustard.

    Cook and stir until it thickens and bubbles.

    Add it to the white sauce from the second pot.

    Putting it together

    cracker crumbs or bread crumbs

    Preheat oven to 375 F.

    Mix cooked pasta with "cheese" sauce.

    Pour into a greased casserole dish.

    Top with cracker crumbs or bread crumbs.

    Bake for 30 minutes

    or lentil and vegetable soup with crusty bread

    Vegetarian Lentil Soup with Spinach, Tomatoes, and Cumin

    (Makes about 6 servings, recipe slightly adapted from The Sugar Solution Cookbook.)

    1 T olive oil

    1 1/2 tsp cumin seeds (not ground)

    1 large onion, chopped small

    4 cloves garlic, minced (about 1 T minced garlic)

    1/2 tsp. ground coriander

    fresh ground black pepper to taste

    1 tsp. paprika

    1 1/2 cups brown lentils

    4 cans vegetable broth or water (about 7 cups, original recipe called for 5 cups water)

    (could probably substitute chicken stock if you don't have vegetable broth)

    1 can (14.5 oz.) diced tomatoes with juice (I use Muir Glen organic canned tomatoes)

    2 cups chopped spinach (tightly packed)

    salt to taste (I didn't use any salt since I used canned vegetable broth)

    Put olive oil and cumin seeds in large heavy dutch oven and cook over medium heat until fragrant and starting to pop, about 3 minutes. (Stir a few times so they don't burn.) Stir in onion, minced garlic, ground coriander, and black pepper and cook, stirring frequently, until onions are softened, about 4 minutes. Stir in the paprika and cook about 1 minute more.

    Add lentils and vegetable broth, reduce heat, and simmer uncovered about 30-40 minutes, or until lentils are quite tender.

    Add diced tomatoes and juice and chopped spinach and simmer uncovered 20-30 more minutes, until soup ingredients are well blended and lentils are starting to break apart. Season to taste with salt and serve hot.

    Hope these help

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